Actor Vikram was admitted to Kauvery Hospital in this article on Fri after he reported of pain inside the chest area. He was evaluated by a team of specialists and is stable, according to a hospital bulletin. He would be discharged shortly from the healthcare facility, the bulletin authorized by Aravindan Selvaraj, medical center co-executive and founder director, said.
The bulletin stated: “Popular Tamil actor Mr. Vikram has been accepted in Kauvery Healthcare facility with complaints of chest pain. He was evaluated and treated by a team of expert medical professionals. He was without cardiac arrest, happens to be medically secure, and will be dismissed from the healthcare facility soon.”
Before inside the time the actor’s director Suryanarayanan M. had tweeted: “Chiyaan Vikram got gentle upper body pain and is being treated for the very same. He did not have a heart attack as reviews incorrectly state.”
The actor was planned to participate within a work on Fri evening to launch teasers for his upcoming film, Ponniyin Selvan, directed by Mani Ratnam.