To obtain desirable results from exercise, it is indispensable that your body should be in correct position while working out. If not, the workout may give results, or may cause harm.
4 Reasons for exercising correctly
- Correct workout helps burn fat better
- It avoids injury
- It de-stresses
- It makes you feel rejuvenated after the workout
It does not matter what type of exercise you do, whether low-intensity or high-intensity, aerobic or non-aerobic, or yoga asanas and breathing exercises, you need to do them correctly. If possible, do your workout in front of a full-length mirror to check yourselves how you are doing.
Expert tips to exercise correctly
- Look straight at eye level to avoid neck injury and drooping of shoulders.
- Keep your facial muscles relaxed.
- Straighten up your spine
- Continue to breathe normally while doing strength training. Many people hold their breath or take shallow breaths.
- Keep your abdomen tight to provide support to lower back. Whenever you sit or stand or walk, maintain an erect posture – suck up your abdomen and let your spine be naturally aligned. This tightens your ab muscles. Never slouch.
- Don’t sit in between workouts. You can rest by standing. This keeps your heart rate up. If you have the stamina, move from one workout to another directly. The best way to know whether your workout intensity is suitable to your body is that you must be able to talk while exercising, but not sing. If you are unable to talk, you are workout too hard. If you are talking too much, you aren’t working too hard.
- Gradually, you must increase the length of cardio exercises, not intensity. Similarly, increase repetitions in weight training.
Always…always…hold the correct posture while exercising. If you are not sure how to perform a particular workout, please consult a fitness trainer.