The Best Treatment For Bph: Here’s Why Laser Therapy Is The Best Option


Many patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia are turning to laser therapy instead of surgery. While it is a great option for some, doctors also warn that laser therapy could be an issue as many “laser enthusiasts” may create huge problems for their bodies in the future. Despite these risks, doctors often see that the benefits of this treatment far outweigh the cons.

What is BPH?

BPH is a common and sometimes debilitating condition characterized by an enlarged urinary tract. Symptoms include straining, frequent urination, and the feeling that you need to urinate more often than normal. When left untreated, it may progress to narrowing of the urethra increasing the risk of kidney stones and other complications. Laser therapy has proven to be effective in relieving Bph pain which is why it is considered one of the best treatment options for BPH sufferers.

Laser Therapy For BPH

BPH is a benign tumour. It can cause benign prostatic hyperplasia – or enlarged prostate. Laser therapy removes the hyperplastic tissue from the prostate through a non-invasive surgical process. There are risks to surgery including death, incontinence, dysfunction of the bladder and rectum, blood transfusions for patients with anaemia, and infectious complications. These risks are mainly due to increased blood loss. Laser therapy for BPH has very low risks because it utilizes tiny unfocused beams of light

Laser Therapy Advantages

Laser therapy is a treatment method used to reduce blood pressure. Laser therapy emits laser beams that are directed at veins and arteries surrounding the BPH area. When these energy waves hit the blood cells they force them to break down, which in turn ultimately lowers blood pressure. The best thing about laser therapy is that it can be done in a doctor’s office or at home so there aren’t any limitations to where one can receive treatments.

Potential Side Effects of Laser Therapy

Laser therapy addresses the root cause as well as mechanical issues with BPH. It can also be a potential solution to some symptoms of the condition. There are also potential side effects, however, they are not very significant and are rare. The most common problem is bruising during treatment which is mostly linked to how long the person has suffered from BPH.

How to Kill Tumors With a Laser

Laser therapy works by using laser light, which removes the tumours with continuous burning. This reduces the tumour to that of scar tissue, which doesn’t produce a relapse in BPH or any other related conditions such as kidney stones or gout, whatsoever.

Laser therapy is becoming popular for benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment. However, the research on this topic is still in its beginning stages. There are some interesting observations from doctors at Ledford medical institute reported by Lennie Friedman in Newsweek: “to my knowledge there have been no negative effects from these treatments”.


Laser therapy is an excellent option to treat patients with BPH. It can treat the symptoms of the disorder more effectively than any other treatment and this includes a few side effects that are common with surgeries that have not been approved by the FDA. Laser therapy has been documented to be effective twice as often as traditional treatments like trans-urethral resection, prostate brachytherapy, or cryotherapy. Patients interested in laser therapy may benefit from visiting a specialist

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