Top 6 Tips to Help Your New Puppy Deal With Teething!

by Glenn Maxwell


As a new puppy owner, you may be experiencing some anxiety about the teething process. There are plenty of things to worry about regarding your pup’s health and happiness, but you don’t need to waste energy on this one. Teething is normal and healthy for puppies, so there’s no need to stress out. It can be a fun time for both of you if you know what to expect during this period and have some simple strategies for keeping your dog comfortable as she grows her teeth back in. Here are five tips that will help.

Be Aware of What Stage Your Puppy’s Teething Is At

You should also be aware of your puppy’s teething stage, so you can help them deal with it. Teething is a process that takes several months and will start when your puppy is about three months old. It ends when they’re about six months old. 

During this time, puppies can experience a lot of pain from new teeth pushing through their gums and causing damage to the surface of their jaws. If left untreated, it can lead to sleepless nights for you and your dog.

Teething may seem like it’s just one thing), but there are several stages to the process:

  • Stage 1: The first signs include increased chewing on toys or even shoes. Your puppy may also drool more during this time because they have an increased thirst due to all that gum-rubbing inside his mouth.
  • Stage 2: This stage usually starts around three months old and lasts until four months, which means if you adopt them at five weeks old after getting them from a shelter where their birthdate wasn’t recorded accurately, this could happen twice before they reach maturity. Symptoms include soreness around the front teeth and redness along gum lines. These symptoms typically go away once new adult teeth come through entirely at about 18 months old.
  • Stage 3: The final stage involves temporary discomfort caused by loose permanent incisors rubbing against each other. It typically occurs around age five for smaller breeds but could occur later for larger dogs with more extended canine growth periods (such as Great Danes).

Watch Out for Common Signs of Teething Pain

Teething can be a painful process. You may notice your puppy chewing on objects, red gums, and a change in appetite. It’s essential to watch for these signs of teething pain so you’ll know when to intervene and help your dog cope with their discomfort.

Teething can be dangerous if it isn’t monitored by the owner and treated at the right time. Not only does this cause discomfort for puppies, but it also changes their behavior. Since they aren’t feeling well, they may become irritable or aggressive because they cannot communicate how they feel using words as humans do (e.g., whining).

Offer Toys that Provide Relief from Teething Pain

For the teething puppy, there are a few toys that can help. The first is rubber chew toys, designed to reduce the stress caused by teething and offer relief from pain. They also increase your puppy’s saliva production and make it easier for them to swallow without hurting their gums. It helps build up their immune system so that they’re better able to fend off illness and infection during this period.

Another toy you may want to consider buying is an edible treat like yogurt or cheese (but don’t give them much). Yogurt or cheese is an excellent substitute for mom’s milk because it contains calcium, which helps strengthen and repair teeth as they grow in replacement for lost baby teeth. You will find suitable teething toys for all three stages of teething on an online store like PetCareRx.

Schedule Dental Checkups for Your Dog

When you bring a puppy home, it’s important to schedule regular dental checkups for the dog. It’s important because early care can prevent tooth decay and gum disease, leading to costly treatment later in life. Most dogs will need their first dental visit between six months and one year old, but this varies based on breed and lifestyle. A good rule of thumb is, if you’re concerned about something with your pet’s teeth or gums, get them checked out.

Once you’ve scheduled an appointment for a dental checkup for your new pup (or even at their first appointment), be prepared for what goes on during the visit. Your veterinarian will examine every tooth in their mouth using various tools like mirrors or X-rays. If there are any signs of problems such as tooth decay or gum disease in teeth (like tartar build-up), they will recommend appropriate treatment options to help fix the issue before it worsens.

Teach Your Puppy Good Chewing Habits

The best way to teach your new puppy the appropriate items to chew is to make sure they have plenty of suitable things for her to chew on. Watch for potential chewing hazards like shoes, furniture, or hands (yours) when you’re out and about. If your puppy spots something she wants to chew on that isn’t safe for her teeth, remove it from her sight and try distracting her with a toy instead.

If you have the time and resources, consider purchasing various toys that will help satisfy your puppy’s desire to gnaw. Stuffed animals can be filled with peanut butter or kibble, rubber toys can be frozen or stuffed with treats, and rope bones are great because they provide hours of entertainment while helping clean teeth as they chew away at them.

Pay Attention to the Temperature of Water and Food During Teething

You may be thinking, “What’s the big deal? It’s just water and food.” But during the teething phase, your puppy will want his liquids and solids at temperatures that are more comfortable and soothing for his tender gums.

Cooler temperatures help relieve pain associated with teething by acting as an analgesic (pain reliever). Warm or hot water and food can cause stomach cramps that make him uncomfortable and cause diarrhea or vomiting in some cases. So, when it comes to your puppy’s meals:

  • Water should be no warmer than body temperature (about 98 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Food should be no warmer than room temperature.


While it’s essential to help your puppy out during the teething process, you don’t want him to be too dependent on you for comfort. If he becomes too reliant on you for relief from pain, he may not learn how to deal with discomfort on his own.

Teething is a natural part of growing up that every dog experiences, and it can be harrowing at times. However, as much as puppies may whine or cry during this time in their lives, they won’t need more than a couple of weeks of your time and attention before all their teeth have come in (and then some).

We hope this guide helps you to care for your puppy through the teething stages. Remember, dogs are just like humans and can experience pain as we do. It can be a stressful time for both of you. But if you follow these tips, there’s no reason why things won’t go smoothly.

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