Top Safe Driving Tips

by Carter Toni

We drive safer cars on safer roads today. Many decades of public information campaigns and advertisements have made it easier for us to be safer drivers.

While technology has made some improvements, the bottom line is that most car accidents happen because of human error. Safe driving habits are the best way to lower your risk of getting into an accident. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting to drive or have been driving for years, it’s important to learn safe driving habits from a driving school. These 10 driving tips will ensure that you and your passengers are safe.

Top 4 Driving Safety Tips

Driving is the most important thing.

  • Focus 100% on driving and no other tasks.
  • While driving, don’t use your phone or any other electronic device.
  • Slow down. You will have less time to react and the accident severity will increase if you speed.

Drive defensively

  • Pay attention to what your fellow drivers are doing and be open to the possibility of unexpected outcomes.
  • Be prepared to assume that other motorists will do crazy things, and be ready to stop them.
  • Maintain a 2-second buffer between yourself and the car in front.
  • If the weather is bad, use a 4-second buffer.

Plan for safe driving

  • Plan time to make stops for rest breaks, food or phone calls.
  • Before you put the car into gear, adjust your seat, mirrors, and climate controls.
  • You can stop to grab a bite or a drink. It only takes a few moments.

Safety is a priority

  • Cargo that is susceptible to being moved while the vehicle is in motion should be secured.
  • Do not attempt to retrieve items that have fallen to the ground.
  • Keep all your essentials within reach, such as garage passes, toll cards and toll fees.
  • Always wear your seatbelt and drive sober.

Additional driving safety tips from Nationwide

  • Children shouldn’t be allowed to climb up or fight in your car. They should always be buckled in their seat. Too much noise can distract you from the road.
  • Don’t drive if you are tired. Some medications can cause drowsiness, which can make driving a car very dangerous. Learn more about Drowsy Driving.
  • When changing lanes, be careful.
  • Be extra cautious when driving during deer season.

Safe driving

What you should do after an accident

First, ensure that no one is hurt in the accident. Next, make sure you check on any pedestrians or passengers in the car.

Keep your eyes on the scene

You could face legal consequences such as fines and additional violations if you leave.

Contact the police stationimmediately

They will dispatch a police officer and medical personnel to the accident scene. Wait for the cops to arrive and complete an accident report.

Keep calm

If passengers are standing on a busy freeway or another road with lots of traffic, it can be dangerous. Just exchange contact information and insurance information.

Documentation is required

If asked, give your driver’s license and proof that you have insurance to the officer. If an officer asks you to get out of your vehicle, you should not make any sudden or threatening movements.

If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you can present your case to traffic court. A lawyer may represent you and, if necessary, a magistrate or judge will hear your case.

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