Placebo Effects of Using Talismans


The use of talismans of all types to solve everyday problems is growing with each passing year. This is a strange fact, given the development of science, especially in the last 100 years. The general opinion is that the belief in supernatural forces that hinder or support us is a thing of the past, when there was no rational explanation for a number of phenomena and people did not have so much access to information and were largely ignorant. But instead of relying on modern scientific explanations, people are increasingly resorting to the use of talismans of all kinds. Is this due to a loss of confidence in science or do talismans really work, even on a subconscious level?

The fact is that people need to believe that somewhere there is a powerful supernatural force that watches over them, no matter what form – animate or inanimate.

It is this belief that leads to the placebo effect – when you believe and know that a mascot protects you – your consciousness accepts this as absolute truth, which also reflects on the subconscious. From here things become easy – once this truth is accepted, it begins to affect our material world in the form of some positive results. This theory has been developed many times over the years and a whole industry has been created in the field of Wishful Thinking. The mascots themselves give additional emphasis as a material expression of the positive result. For example – it is one thing to believe that some higher power – say God protects you, but carrying an icon of a saint in you gives additional faith in this supernatural power.

In fact, there are thousands of examples of the placebo effect of talismans – from trade to disease treatment. But how far can one go in one’s faith? Some time ago we came across information about a man in Indonesia who wore several kilograms of talismans every day to protect himself. We must mention here that this is a common phenomenon in this part of the world. The man in question only left them at home once and was hit by a car the same day. Well, it’s normal to ask the question – what if these mascots really kept it? Another similar case is the use of Muslim talismans – taweez. Depending on their purpose – they can also be worn in larger quantities. However, their placebo effect is not so remarkable – one may or may not believe that they help him. After all, the fact that he wears them at all, although he does not officially believe in them, influences the subconscious to change reality.

Unfortunately, people who use taweez rarely talk about them and their properties and it is very difficult to make statistics. Many people who use talismans in general avoid this topic – it is very personal for them, which should not be shared with the rest of the world, most likely out of superstition. When using taweez, public opinion must also be taken into account. These objects are shrouded in mystery, they are usually talked about by word of mouth, and the people who make them cannot be found in an ordinary esoteric shop or on an advertisement on the Internet. These facts further strengthen the belief of their owners in their properties. Again, thanks to public opinion – in the form of dozens of books written on the properties of various semi-precious stones – people are gradually beginning to stumble upon them, without even a single scientific proof of it.

Finally, we would like to say that whether it is a placebo effect or a real impact – once there is an actually positive result from these items, there is nothing wrong with their use.

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