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Freelancing is a great way to monetize your skills, work in a wide variety of locations, build your network, and in many ways, be a business owner. Working for others does not mean that you aren’t managing your own business. Having a company of one doesn’t mean you aren’t a manager. By becoming a freelancer, you do work independently in the same way that businesses do, but thankfully, there are many tools to help you succeed in making the transition.
This is particularly true in industries where the demand is high, like in the healthcare industry. There is a rise in popularity for locums who take over when employees are sick or when demand is high. By becoming a locum or travel professional, you can get out there, see more of your country, and build a massive network that can be instrumentally important for your future.
Benefits of Freelancing
With these big benefits of freelancing, you’ll want to get started today:
1. Great Rates You Can Negotiate
One of the biggest reasons why many consider freelancing is that you usually make a better daily rate. What many forget about, however, is that you have more chances to negotiate your salary and working conditions as a freelancer than salaried employees as well. When you can negotiate at the start of every contract to earn more, you can make consistent improvements to your salary and career.
2. Take Charge of Your Time Off
Never worry about asking for leave or PTO ever again. When you work freelance, it isn’t about asking for time off, but saying no to work opportunities and letting those employers know when you will be back. You are in charge of your schedule, so if you are sick or need a day to just be lazy, take it. There is no one to answer to so long as you don’t already have work booked.
3. Be in the Know
When you freelance, you meet a lot of people and showcase your skills. Those same people can later become a lead to a better job. It’s so easy to network as a freelancer in any industry as well, so long as you are good at what you do and are friendly and courteous to those you work with every time.
How to Get Started
How you get started with freelancing is going to depend entirely on your industry. If you already know about freelance positions in your field or your workplace, you can start there. In other industries like the medical industry, you can even find platforms that advertise jobs and help you manage your locum career, all in one place. You could become a locum pharmacist in a few simple steps, and then start applying for work from there.
One thing that will remain true no matter what is that you need to impress wherever you go. If you do, then you won’t just have to apply, you’ll be invited back. Impressing your temporary employers is great for your current career, and your future. To continue to impress, make sure you don’t overdo it and balance your schedule comfortably with your personal life.