5 Effective Ways To Repurpose Your Content For Maximum Exposure

by Carter Toni

What would you think of me when I told you that you had not utilized your content properly?

When I told you that you could reuse content to the maximum extent without too much effort, how would you feel?

Do you know that untapped content from B2B marketing and advertising is estimated to become an estimated $50 billion issue for CMOs and what is a content creator marketers?

It is the reason, as per Curata, 29 percent of marketing professionals routinely reuse content.

Repurposing content can have many advantages like:

  1. Reaching a new audience.
  2. Enhancing organic visibility.
  3. Maximizing the output of the efforts of your content creators.
  4. The process of dealing with the issue of content that is not being used.

If you alter the structure of your content, or you alter its intended viewers, you’re in the process of repurposing content. It refers to the use of your content to serve a new reason.

Copyblogger turned this blog post into a slideshow and posted it on SlideShare. The presentation has been viewed more than 53K times. The layout of the content was modified and began to attract new viewers from an entirely different source. It is what content reuse can achieve.

Here are five ways to reuse content professionally.

Make a presentation

Converting your blog’s content into a slide presentation is one of the most efficient ways to reuse content because it’s difficult. However, SlideShare has a lot to offer.

SlideShare has more than 70 million members, 18 million uploads and is among the top 100 most visited websites around the globe. People uploaded over 19 million slides to LinkedIn.

SlideShare is huge and should be used to connect with a new audience.

Making your content a slide presentation is not difficult:

  1. Make use of the presentation software you prefer, including Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.
  2. It can transform your article into an outline.
  3. You should use one point per slide.
  4. Use high-quality photos.
  5. Make as many slides as you’d want. The more slides you can create, the more impressive.
  6. Make a compelling appeal to actions on your previous slide.

Create an infographic

Infographics are shared and liked on social media three times more than any other type. Illustrations help users to follow directions better by a staggering 323 percentage.

If you have lots of blog posts with data and statistics, it is possible to compile these and create an infographic. Visually is my top tool for creating infographics that allow non-designers to create a professional infographic.

However, even if you don’t have data, you can transform any post into an infographic. For example, if a blog post receives lots of traffic from organic sources and is doing extremely well, why not make it an infographic, publish it to your site, and share it across the internet.

The infographic by Copyblogger isn’t based on data. However, it does have more than 250K shares.

If you have great content you know is working already, turn it into an infographic and bring it to a wider public.

Host webinars

Do you host webinars? It’s a good idea since more than 60 percent of marketers utilize webinars as an element in their strategy for content marketing.

In addition, webinars supply you with information that you can post on your social media pages, your YouTube channel, in blog posts, etc.

It is possible to use ClickMeeting to host webinars, and it will record each one. Not only will it record your webinar, but you can reduce its size from the ClickMeeting dashboard and download them in the preferred format.

There is no need to switch between platforms. It will take care of everything from recording, trimming to posting to social media and more.

You can also utilize the webinar transcript to write articles, videos, or even an ebook; you have the information. Therefore why not make use of it to reach out to a new public?

Create a course

Do you have plenty of content within a certain area?

If you’ve been blogging for a long time, you’ve likely published several articles on your subject. What is the reason for developing your online class?

Make a basic pdf or a manual and share it via PDF sharing websites or make it a lead magnet. You could create an online course that will be part of the rapidly expanding market for knowledge commerce.

Platforms such as Kajabi can assist you in marketing your online course. It’s a knowledge-based commerce platform that lets you make, sell, and run your course online. It also has its marketplace, which lets you sell your courses faster than ever before.

In addition to selling, you can manage your entire online presence. For instance, you can design landing pages, create email lists and increase the size of your business.

If your content can bring you a million dollars, this isn’t an unwise idea.

Let’s begin with a free tutorial or PDF and then gradually increase its size before we begin selling it.

Repost on Medium

Do you see any posts on Medium in SERPs? I do frequently see them.

It is why lots of users are using Medium to repurpose content on a platform. All you need to do is upload your content to Medium and then relax.

Benjamin Hardy got 20K subscribers within 6 months with the help of repurposing content. He published all blog posts on his blog on Medium. It is a simple way to reuse the blog content you have written.

Final thoughts

It’s not easy to create new content, nor is it cheap. Please make use of content that you have already at its maximum capacity. Start with recycling today, and you’ll regret starting this process so late.

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