9 countries including New? Zealand are Covid-19 free. Here’s a list

by Carter Toni

000 deaths due to Covid-19, at least nine countries have declared themselves to be free from the virus, as the world continues to grapple with coronavirus pandemic with the infections crossing the seven million mark and over 400.

9 countries including New Zealand

What follows is a listing of these nations:

1. New Zealand

On June 8, Nz announced that the last from the coronavirus patients had recovered featuring its health officials saying there have been no active cases of Covid-19 in america. The Pacific island nation reported approximately 1500 corona patients including 22 who died.

The nation had enforced a strict lockdown for nearly seven weeks, in which most businesses were shut and everybody except essential workers was required to stay at home.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced lifting of all coronavirus measures in the united states from June 9, barring border closure restrictions.

2. Tanzania

Tanzania’s president on Sunday claimed that his country is free of charge of the coronavirus due to the power of prayer. However, the claim came six weeks after the African nation stopped publicly updating virus data.

“Corona in your country has been removed by the powers of God,” President John Magufuli declared with a church service on Sunday.

Tanzania’s quantity of-19 cases has been stuck at 509 for six weeks as health officials, opposition figures and several neighbouring countries worry that cases inside the East African nation continue to climb. Opposition figures have estimated that cases might be inside the tens of thousands.

3. Vatican

The Vatican said on June 6 that there were forget about cases of Covid-19 within its population after all its 12 patients recovered. The Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said inside a statement that the last person found to have been contaminated with the coronavirus in recent weeks had tested negative. The town state failed to report any deaths.

Per day later, Pope Francis addressed the faithful for the first time in Saint Peter’s Square because the health emergency began.


Fiji declared itself clear of coronavirus within the first week of June in fact 18 people who had tested positive recovered from Covid-19. Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama said Friday that this South Pacific island nation had just cleared the past of its active patients.

He wrote on Twitter: “And despite having our testing numbers climbing each day, it’s now been 45 days since we recorded our last case. Without any deaths, our recovery rates are 100%” He added: “Answered prayers, effort, and affirmation of science! ” Fiji, that features a population of 900,000, imposed a lockdown in particular areas in April and set up ongoing border restrictions.


Sixty nine days after its first reported Covid-19 case, Montenegro declared itself coronavirus free on May 24, the initial European country to do so. It reported 324 confirmed cases of COVID-19 illness and nine deaths.


The region nation claimed virus-free status as early as May 18 after its health ministry announced full recoveries. It reported 11 confirmed cases but no deaths.

7.St Kitts and Nevis

The West Indies nation became coronavirus free on May 19 when all of its 15 confirmed Covid-19 patients reportedly recovered. The us government said all cases had travel history.


The region country declared itself Covid-19 free on May 15 pursuing the recovery of its 24th and final confirmed case. The continent failed to report any death from your virus.

9.Papua New Guniea

The Pacific nation declared itself free from the coronavirus on May 4. It had 24 cases of Covid-19 with out deaths through the virus.

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