A Look Back on NFTs Where Are They Now? What are NFTs?

by Moore Martin

What are NFTs

In recent years, the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has experienced a rollercoaster ride of hype, innovation, and controversy. From their meteoric rise in 2021 to the challenges and scams that followed, the NFT market has been a topic of both fascination and concern. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of NFTs, exploring their origins, their peak, and the current state of the industry.

What are NFTs?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain. These tokens represent a wide range of content, including digital art, music, videos, virtual real estate, and more. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, NFTs are non-fungible, meaning that each token is distinct and cannot be replicated. They are bought and sold primarily online, often using cryptocurrency, and their value is subject to market forces.

NFTs’ Varied Usage

NFTs have gained significant attention and have found utility in various fields, such as:

  • Digital Art: Artists have embraced NFTs as a new way to sell their digital creations, with some fetching millions of dollars in auctions.
  • Real Estate: Virtual real estate has become a niche within the NFT world, allowing people to buy and sell virtual land.
  • Scientific and Medical Applications: NFTs are even being used to represent ownership of scientific research papers and medical records, adding a layer of authenticity to these documents.

The Rise and Fall of NFTs

In 2021, NFTs reached the zenith of their popularity. Trading volumes soared, surpassing $3 billion at their peak. Some digital assets sold for eye-watering amounts, making headlines around the world. The NFT craze was in full swing.

Challenges and Scandals

However, with great success came significant challenges. The NFT industry faced its fair share of scams and hacks. Two notable incidents include:

  1. The Bored Bunny Rug Pull: A fake NFT project, heavily promoted by celebrities, sold thousands of NFTs to unsuspecting buyers. When the creators disappeared, the NFTs’ values plummeted, leaving investors in the lurch.
  2. The Hot Wallet Attack: Cybercriminals managed to steal nearly $19 million worth of Lympo NFTs through a hot wallet attack, highlighting the vulnerabilities in the NFT ecosystem.

The Decline

By 2023, the NFT market had cooled considerably. The average price of NFT sales had dropped by a staggering 92 percent from its peak. Daily NFT sale volumes were also significantly lower than in previous years. The future of NFTs became uncertain, and the industry began to resemble a niche market with a limited clientele.

NFTs: A Journey from Humble Beginnings

The roots of NFTs can be traced back to 2014 when artist Kevin McCoy and his wife Jennifer created “Quantum,” the world’s first-ever NFT. This digital graphic, featuring a pink and blue hexagon, marked the inception of an industry that would eventually be worth billions. Notably, this milestone occurred during the early stages of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, with many of today’s popular blockchains yet to be developed.

The Expensive Side of NFTs

The surge in NFT popularity led to a remarkable increase in the value of certain assets. Some noteworthy sales include:

  • A CryptoPunk NFT selling for $11.8 million at a Sotheby’s art auction in June 2021.
  • Another CryptoPunk NFT fetching $24 million in February 2022.
  • “The Merge,” an NFT, setting a record as the most expensive NFT in history when it sold for $91.8 million at the end of 2021.

These exorbitant prices, surpassing even those of classic artworks, underscored the significant growth of the NFT industry. However, this success also attracted the darker side of the internet, with cybercriminals devising ways to exploit the booming market and defraud individuals of their money.

Protecting NFTs in a World of Cybercrime

Since 2021, cybercriminals have executed major NFT scams and hacks, including the Bored Bunny rug pull, which cost investors $21 million. Phishing attacks have also targeted platforms like OpenSea, causing users to lose funds and assets. These incidents highlight the widespread issue of NFT cybercrime and the challenges involved in safeguarding digital assets.


The journey of NFTs from obscurity to worldwide acclaim has been nothing short of remarkable. However, their rapid rise was accompanied by significant challenges and a subsequent decline in the market. As the NFT industry navigates its current landscape, it remains a niche market with an uncertain future. Only time will tell whether NFTs will experience a resurgence or continue on their current trajectory.

A Look Back on NFTs Where Are They Now – FAQs

  1. What are NFTs and how are they used? NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets stored on a blockchain that represent content or physical items such as art, music, videos, and more. They are used for various purposes, including digital artwork, real estate, and even scientific and medical applications.
  2. How can I buy NFTs? Most non-fungible tokens can be purchased with Ether only. To buy NFTs, owning and storing them in a digital wallet is the primary step. They can be bought via online NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea, SuperRare, and Rarible.
  3. Are NFTs secure? NFTs that use blockchain technology like cryptocurrency are generally secure. Their distributed nature makes NFTs nearly impossible to hack.
  4. What led to the decline in the NFT market? The NFT boom saw trading volumes exceeding $3 billion at its peak, but by 2023, the average price of NFT sales had dropped by 92 percent, and the daily average NFT sale volume was significantly lower than in previous years. Notable scams and hacks, such as the Bored Bunny rug pull and the theft of almost $19 million in Lympo NFTs, contributed to the decline.
  5. What are some examples of non-fungible tokens? NFTs can represent any asset digitally, including online-only assets such as digital artwork or real assets like real estate. Some examples are in-game avatars, digital/non-digital collectibles, tickets, domain names, and more.

For more updates and information on the ever-evolving world of NFTs, connect with BuzRush and empower yourself with easily understandable information.

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