Could Your Baby’s Crying Be a Sign of Illness?

by Carter Toni

Crying is a way of communication between the baby and the parents. It is the baby’s way of signaling his or her needs or problems that need to be solved. 2-3 hours of crying a day in the first 3 months of life are considered normal. For parents, their baby’s crying is special – they know his or her needs as soon as they hear the tone of the cry: from burial to piercing cries.

Causes of crying babies

A baby is hungry

This is the most common reason a baby cries, so the baby immediately calms down when he or she is fed. If the baby is breastfed, you should attach your baby to the breast on demand, not according to a schedule. Artificially-fed babies should receive their European formula on a clear schedule and in certain proportions for normal body function.

The baby is too wrapped up or, conversely, not dressed enough and he is cold

It is normal for your baby’s hands and feet to be cool, so don’t use them as a body temperature reference. Check the back of the head – if it’s not hot and wet, it’s worth taking off 1 layer of clothing. It is especially dangerous to overheat your baby in the heat. The rule that a child needs to wear one more layer of clothing than you does not work in these weather conditions. Play mostly in the shade and limit your stay outside from 10 to 16 hours.

Intestinal colic

Babies with colic may cry for more than three hours a day and more than three days a week. The baby may pull his legs out or, conversely, pull them up to his tummy, which is bloated and often gives off gas. Colic usually goes away after about three to four months. The pediatrician will rule out other causes of crying and give recommendations.


This physiological process can quite often cause discomfort to a baby. To relieve your child’s condition, use a cool teething ring and massage the gums. When teething, the gums are swollen and the baby is restless for the most part in the evening and at night.

Diaper changes

Your baby’s skin is very sensitive, so prolonged contact with moisture can cause diaper rash and irritation, causing discomfort. You should change the diaper regularly, which is the basis of preventing diaper dermatitis. Care for the baby’s intimate areas do not use synthetic creams or powders. They are only needed for diaper rash, and a healthy baby does not need them.

Babies can cry because of the lack of attention and communication, and in serious illnesses. Each period in a baby’s life has its characteristics, but as time passes, your baby and parents will understand each other more and more, and your pediatrician will help you determine the causes of crying at a particular age. Your doctor will also help you understand your baby’s nutrition and the choice of European formula if natural feeding is not possible.

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