Here’s How Acidity Can Be Avoided By Changing One’s Diet!

by Sean Dixon

Burning inside the chest, feeling bloating in the stomach, as well as a bitter taste in the throat are all symptoms that could be associated with acidity, which is a disorder. Heartburn and acid indigestion are both names given to the same condition, which occurs when acid from the stomach rushes back into the food pipe. Acid reflux, often known as heartburn, is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease that can be identified if it happens more than twice per week in an individual (GERD).

Consume more fiber


Know how you can easily avoid acidity

Consuming foods that are high in fiber can reduce the likelihood of experiencing heartburn in a few distinct ways. Increased gastric movement means that food travels through the digestive tract relatively quickly, and fiber is a key component in this process. If you do not consume a sufficient amount of fiber, the food you eat will remain in your stomach for a longer period, which will result in the production of more acid. This is a condition that is referred to as delayed stomach emptying. Additionally, fiber can absorb acid, thus speeding up the process through which you feel full, thus preventing you from overeating. Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits are some examples of foods that are particularly high in dietary fiber content.

Eat a ripe banana

The high potassium level of a banana makes it just a relatively alkaline food. Bananas may be found in almost any supermarket. And since this indicates that it may help neutralize the stomach acid that is irritating your esophagus, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, this suggests that it is important to consume it.

Nevertheless, unripe bananas have a lower alkaline content than ripe bananas, contain a significant amount of starch, and may potentially cause acidity in some people. Therefore, you must select a sufficiently ripe banana.

Melons, cabbage, fennel, and almonds are some examples of additional alkaline foods that could assist in alleviating the symptoms of heartburn.

Cold Milk

Milk has the potential to assist in maintaining a more stable level of gastric acid in the stomach for individuals who do not suffer from lactose intolerance. Due to the high calcium content, it inhibits the production of acid in the stomach, making it an ideal digestive aid. When you feel acidity coming on, all you have to do is down a glass of ice-cold milk, and your symptoms will go away.

Foods that have a high proportion of water in them

Consuming foods like fruit and vegetables that are high in water content can aid in increasing one’s hydration levels as well as decrease stomach acid. In addition to this, they are low in fat and sugar, both of which are known to worsen symptoms. Include foods like watermelon, cucumbers, lettuce, and spinach in your regular eating routine.

Eat smaller meals

The lower esophageal sphincter can feel the effects of pressure from large meals (LES). Your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is responsible for closing up your esophagus right before it connects to your stomach. Acid can go up into your esophagus if there is extra pressure placed on the stomach, which can cause it to rupture. The consumption of several smaller meals every day prevents this from occurring. It is even more advantageous if the smaller portions contain a significant amount of fiber.

Avoid drinking beverages containing caffeine

Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant that is most frequently discovered in beverages such as coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, & energy drinks. It achieves this effect by activating the brain as well as the central nervous system, which in turn helps you to maintain your alert state and delays the development of fatigue. Caffeinated beverages make acidity worse, and caffeine can have undesirable side effects in certain people, including stress, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping. However, drinking caffeinated beverages does not cause acidity in and of itself.

Avoid eating too much or too frequently

Whenever it comes to avoiding heartburn, observing proper portion control during meals could go a long way toward mitigating the condition. If you have a lot of food in your stomach, the valve that normally prevents stomach acid from traveling up into your esophagus may be subjected to more pressure than usual, which can lead to acidity  & heartburn. If you have a history of experiencing heartburn, you might want to think about eating fewer but more frequent, smaller meals. Eating too rapidly is another factor that might bring on heartburn; therefore, you should make sure to eat more slowly and chew your food and liquids well before consuming them.


There really is no diet that is universally recommended for people who suffer from acidity. For some people with acidity or heartburn, some foods may cause symptoms of acidity, while others with these conditions may not experience any discomfort from eating them. Keeping careful track of what you consume might be of great assistance in warding off uncomfortable sensations.

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