How to Create Vectors for Vinyl Ready Vector Cut Skin Templates.

by James Martin

Vinyl templates are a great way to start your own graphic design business. There’s no need to use expensive software such as Photoshop if you want to create vinyl templates for sale. This guide will teach you how to create vectors for vinyl ready vector cut skin templates. So, let’s get started!

The Importance of Vinyl Cut Skin Templates

Vinyl cut skin templates are a great way to start your own graphic design business without the financial investment of buying expensive software. There’s no need to use expensive software such as Photoshop if you want to create vinyl templates for sale. This guide will teach you how to create vectors for vinyl ready vector cut skin templates, so let’s get started!

Creating a vinyl template is fairly simple and straightforward. The first thing you need is a vector program such as Illustrator, Inkscape, or CorelDraw that supports SVG files. Next, open your .svg file in the program and follow along with the steps below.

What You Need for Vinyl Cut Skin Templates

You can start your vector-based design project with a pencil and paper, but in order to make your vinyl template look good, you’ll need some vector software. This software will help you create the perfect pattern for your vinyl cut skin templates. If you’re not sure which software to use, I recommend using Adobe Illustrator.

Once you have your vector software set up, open it up and create a new document. Next, select the Pencil tool from the toolbar and draw out a simple shape. You can draw whatever shape or size works best for what you’re working on.

Once you have drawn the shape, press “Ctrl + Alt + /” to go into edit mode if necessary. Then select the Shape Builder tool from the toolbar and choose Make Closed Shape from the options that appear. Now click on each corner of your shape to close it off and ensure that it looks like a perfect circle (if necessary).

*It’s important that each of your shapes is closed off because this will save time later on when we’re drawing our vectors on top of them.* For example, here’s what my shape looked like before closing it off:

And here’s what it looks like after being closed off:

Next, select an open path tool from the toolbar (I used the Pencil) and draw out a long line by clicking where you want one end point to be.

…and then pressing “Ctrl+Alt+ /

Materials for Vinyl Cut Skin Templates

Tracing paper- This is used to trace the vinyl cut skin template.

Vinyl cut skin template- These templates are designed for use with a cutting machine and can be ordered online or in many office supply stores.

Piece of paper

This should be large enough to hold your design on it.


You’ll need this for drawing on the tracing paper.


This is optional, but you’ll need it to ensure that your design will be scaled properly and without distortion when you convert it into vectors.


You’ll need these if you want to cut the traced vinyl cut skin template out of the larger piece of tracing paper.

Choosing the Right Fonts for Vinyl Cut Skin Templates

First, you will need to choose the font you want to use for your vinyl cut skin templates. Here are a few fonts that would work well for this type of project:

  • Arial
  • Century Gothic
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Impact
  • Modern Sans Serif
  • Myriad Pro

These are just a few options you can use. You should also keep in mind if your design requires a specific font or if it is something that can be customized with the user’s choice of font. This could be anything from an easy-to-customize text message to changing up the overall look and feel of your website.

How to Create a Vector Layer in Illustrator

First, you’ll need to download the software called Illustrator. Once you open the software and create a new document, you’ll be asked to choose a “template.” Choose “New Document from Template.” This will give you a blank canvas to start from. Now, click on the “Layers” panel on the left-hand side of your screen. You should now see two layers: Background and Contents.

Creating Your Own Customized Album Cover Template

The first step to creating your own customized album cover template is to make a folder for your project. In that folder, create a subfolder for each part of the design. For example, if you are creating an album cover template with a front and back, you should create a “front” folder and a “back” folder.

Next, open the front folder in Illustrator and create the following:

  • A vector object (usually referred to as a shape) which will be used as the background
  • A vector object which will serve as your album cover image
  • Some text that will serve as your title or album name
  • Some text that will serve as your artist name
  • A vector object which will be used for your headphones

The next step is to repeat this process in the back folders. After you have created all three objects, open up Adobe Illustrator’s Effects panel and go to Live Paint Mode. In this mode, you can draw on top of what has been drawn in Photoshop without having to worry about ruining any layers.

This is also where you can add some color or texture (a paint brush) if necessary. Now it’s time to export these shapes so they are ready for printing!

To do this, follow these steps:

  1.  Double click on any shape and select Object from the dropdown menu;
  2. Keep pressing Shift until all shapes have been selected;
  3.  Go to File > Export > Out

Creating Your Own Customized T-Shirt Template

The first thing you need to do is find an image that you want to use. This can be any image or a photograph of your own.

Once you have an image picked out, take note of the dimensions. Make sure that your template will be the right size for the image.

Next, open the image in a graphics editing program such as Illustrator or Photoshop. Make sure that the proportions are correct and that everything is lined up with symmetry centered on its x and y axes.

Now it’s time to work on creating your vector art from this photo. Your vector art should act as guides for where vinyl printer blades will cut when applying your design to t-shirts or other products made out of vinyl material.

Start by drawing four lines at 45 degrees on both sides of your photo (see below). These lines should be drawn perpendicular to the center line of your photo (see below).

Next, draw another four lines parallel to these four lines but intersecting them at a point in between each set (see below). The intersection point will create a square shape with one corner pointing up and one corner pointing down (see below).

Finally, continue drawing more lines perpendicular from the center line similar to how you created these four lines earlier (see below). If you look closely, there should now be sixteen points in total made out of vectors that are all separated by 45 degrees from each other (see below).

How to use Illustrator’s Object to Shape Tool

The Object to Shape Tool allows you to draw a shape and it will create an object for you.

To access the tool, go to Edit > Object to Shape.

To use the tool, start by drawing a shape in your document or from the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N/Ctrl+Option+N (depending on your operating system).

Next, you have to click on this new shape that was created.

Once you’ve clicked on it, you’ll notice that a colored frame appears around your shape. You can also adjust what color the frame is by clicking on the little circle in the center of the frame and changing it with the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Lastly, now that you have a new object created, you need to click back into it with your mouse cursor so that Illustrator can recognize what type of object this is. Once again, just like before when using the Object to Shape tool, a colored box will appear around your object so that Illustrator knows what type of object it is.

How to Use the Shape Outliner Tool

To create vector art, use the shape outliner tool. This tool is available in Illustrator and will allow you to create shapes and then cut them up into pieces. To access the Shape Outliner tool, go to Window>Outliner or press Control+Option+O. You can create a shape by clicking on one of the icons on the left side of the interface. If you click on a line in your document, you’ll see an arrow that allows you to move it around. With the Shape Outliner tool open, we’ll use it to create a letter A from scratch.

First, select an anchor point for your shape outline by clicking where you want the bottom-left corner of your new shape to be located. Then double-click on the anchor point and enter where you want the top-left corner of your new shape to be located. Next select a second anchor point for your new shape outline by clicking on where you want the bottom-right corner of your new shape to be located and double-clicking it as well.

Locate both points by position, clicking them or dragging them with your mouse until they are both highlighted in green (notice how this happens when they are near each other). After locating both points, click anywhere else on the canvas (not just beside either point) and a third anchor point will be created automatically at this location (see how there are three green rings around it)?

After finding two more points, we’ll enter

How to Add Text into the Design.

As with any type of graphic design, the first step is to add text. You can use a font that’s on your computer or you can find one online. If you want to purchase a font from an online store, there are many sites that sell fonts such as,, Arskins and Once you have found the perfect font for your design, open it and place it in a new document.

Next, choose how much text you want in your design and type it in the document using whatever font you want on the design and color that works best for your design (you can find out what colors work best and more at ColorLovers).



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