Pakistan Issues 3000 Visas To Pilgrims Celebrating Guru Nanak Dev’s Birthday!

by Moore Martin

Pakistan Issues 3000 Visas To Pilgrims

A recent report has made headlines, capturing the attention of people across India and Pakistan. The Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi has issued approximately 3000 visas to Sikh pilgrims from India, granting them the opportunity to participate in the celebration of Guru Nanak Dev’s birth anniversary. Guru Nanak Dev, a revered spiritual leader, was born on 15 April 1469 and passed away on 22 September 1539. This auspicious occasion is celebrated on his birthday, and this year, the event is scheduled to take place in Pakistan from 25 November to 4 December. The announcement of this event was made by the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi. But what led to this decision, and what’s the full story behind it? Let’s delve into the details.

Pakistan Welcomes Sikh Pilgrims

As per the report, the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi has issued approximately 3000 visas to Sikh pilgrims from India, allowing them to partake in the festivities honoring Guru Nanak Dev’s birth anniversary. This significant event is scheduled to be held in Pakistan from 25 November to 4 December. During their visit, the pilgrims will have the opportunity to explore several sacred sites, including Dera Sahib, Kartarpur Sahib, Panja Sahib, and Nankana Sahib. In light of this, the Charge d’Affaires of the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, Aizaz Khan, extended his warm congratulations to the pilgrims and wished them a safe and spiritually fulfilling journey.

A Protocol Rooted in History

The issuance of these visas is conducted under the framework of the Pakistan-India Protocol on visits to Religious Shrines, which was established in 1974. This framework, facilitated by the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, governs the granting of visas for pilgrims traveling to religious sites. The news of this significant development was unveiled during a press conference, emphasizing the importance of this longstanding protocol in facilitating religious pilgrimages.

A Continuing Tradition

This gesture of goodwill isn’t the first of its kind. Earlier this year, in June, the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi issued 473 visas to Sikh pilgrims from India. These visas were granted to enable the pilgrims to participate in the annual death anniversary commemoration of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, which was hosted in Pakistan from June 21 to 30. This demonstrates Pakistan’s commitment to fostering religious harmony and facilitating the pilgrimage of Sikh devotees.

Announcing the Decision on Social Media

In this age of social media, it’s common for officials to announce important decisions on platforms like Twitter. The decision to issue visas for Sikh pilgrims celebrating Guru Nanak Dev’s birth anniversary was no exception. The news was officially shared on the Pakistan High Commission’s Twitter account, keeping the public informed and engaged. If you are familiar with the celebration of Guru Nanak Dev’s birth anniversary, you likely came across this announcement on social media.

A Spiritual Journey

During their visit, the pilgrims will have the unique opportunity to visit Gurdwaras, which are places of worship for Sikhs. These Gurdwaras are located at Nankana Sahib, Panja Sahib, and Kartarpur Sahib, each holding special significance in Sikhism. The pilgrimage promises to be a spiritually enriching experience for all those in attendance.

In conclusion, the decision by the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi to issue 3000 visas to Sikh pilgrims from India for the celebration of Guru Nanak Dev’s birth anniversary is a commendable gesture that promotes religious harmony and strengthens the ties between the two nations. It reaffirms the importance of the longstanding Pakistan-India Protocol on visits to Religious Shrines and signifies the commitment to facilitating religious pilgrimages. As the event unfolds, the pilgrims are set to embark on a spiritual journey, visiting sacred Gurdwaras and celebrating the teachings and legacy of Guru Nanak Dev.


  1. How can I obtain a visa to attend the Guru Nanak Dev birth anniversary celebration in Pakistan? To obtain a visa for this event, you should contact the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi for the necessary application process and requirements.
  2. Are there any restrictions or eligibility criteria for obtaining these visas? Visa requirements may vary, and it’s advisable to check with the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi for specific eligibility criteria and any restrictions that may apply.
  3. Can anyone attend the celebration, or is it limited to Sikh pilgrims only? While the event primarily caters to Sikh pilgrims, it is essential to check with the organizers for any specific attendance criteria or restrictions.
  4. What are the main Gurdwaras that pilgrims will visit during this celebration? Pilgrims will have the opportunity to visit Gurdwaras located at Nankana Sahib, Panja Sahib, and Kartarpur Sahib.
  5. Is there a specific schedule or program for the celebration? For detailed information regarding the schedule and program of the celebration, it is advisable to reach out to the event organizers or the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi for updates and guidance.

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