SEO Trends in Coming Year to Take You on The Top of Google Search

by Carter Toni

Search Engine Optimization is one of the strongest marketing disciplines now. SEO works on an unbelievable fast pace. SEO changed drastically and dramatically from its starting point, from years ago.

Search Engine Optimization is a technology that makes websites easy to find and understand. The fundamental principle of SEO remains the same, but the tactics involved have become very different, from even one year before. SEO trends for 2020

The most important SEO trends for the year 2020 and the ways to implement them

Trend of SEO#1: Mobile and Voice Search

The mobile search has become very strong currently and voice search is also becoming slowly a popular trend among the users. This can be confirmed by under mentioned sources:-

  • Mobile search was more used than desktop search at least in 10 countries, including US and Japan, as revealed by Google, back in the year 2015.
  • This changed into more than half the searches from Mobile devices, in the US, by year 2018.
  • Consumers spent on an average three and half hours a day on their mobile devices searching in last year only.

Consumers are spending three and half hours in a day, on their mobile devices for searching

Google has also switched its priority by introducing the Mobile First Index. It means that Google is predominantly using the mobile version of any page for indexing and ranking. You may lose your ranking, if your page does not look good on a mobile device nor has less content on the mobile version.

The users are also using Voice Search on their mobile devices, when they are moving. Voice search is becoming popular with time. This makes these two trends very well connected with each other.

  • Mobile and Voice searchers seek for answers while they are already doing something. So the answers must be clear, precise and immediately delivered.
  • Top results really matter in both the cases of search modes. You must compete for the top result now, not any more among the top 5, as was few years before.

Ways to optimize your website, for mobile and voice searches

  1. You have to make your website fast and mobile friendly.
  2. Catching Featured Snippet Opportunities is vital to outrank your competitors. So it is important to adopt a content strategy accordingly. Mobile users do not have time to scroll and the users’ listens to only one result in their voice searches. Featured Snippet Optimization is the only way to enhance your visibility on mobile devices.

Ways to Optimize Featured Snippets

  • You have to research for your current featured snippets for important queries and learn from them.
  • You need to structure your contents with H2 H3 subheadings, which are addressing questions behind queries that trigger featured snippets.
  • You have to provide fast and precise answers below each subheading, for Google to grab and feature.

Inclusion of these three steps in your writing guidelines, takes you halfway to success.

  • Start using writing checklist, including both the above and useful guidelines.
  • You can use Narrato to scale the process of your content creation. This platform will match you with the most suitable writers automatically. You can build a solid team of writers in a short while, that will provide you contents real fast, at the time of your need.
writing guidelines

(Image: © Convinceandconvert)

Trend of SEO #2: Intent Optimization and Semantic Search

Exact matching keywords are no longer a Google’s Game. Google is no longer using the string of words that are typed by users in the search box. It now looks into query context and analyzes the possibilities of search intent, to deliver search results. This is obvious in all Search Engine Result Pages and in Google search results.

Semantic search

(Image: © smartinsights)

You will notice how Google interprets the query on the subject to realize the answer.

This tells you that Google has very good understanding of the intent of the searcher. The old single Keyword string method in content creation is no longer effective for Google.

You have to create contents that solve the problems because that is what the Google wants.

Ways to optimize contents for Semantic Search and Search Intent

You have to understand how Google search interprets a query. You can use the Semantic research tools for doing this job. You can use Text Optimizer as an intent optimization platform. It will help you to cluster any search query into related concepts and entities. This platform uses Google Search Snippets to bring forward the ideas to expand your initial copy, to have more solutions to meet the needs of Google and the users.

Semantic Search and Search Intent

You can run Text Optimizer before creating an assignment, if you are having a team of writers or using Narrato. You can provide your team of writers the list of concepts to write on.

Trend of SEO#3: SERP marketing and diversification of contents

Google is a destination project, not just a discovery project. Google is building ultimate resource which can give answer to any query, with the help of knowledge graph, quick answers and visual and interactive results.

google serps

You can see within one search result-

  • Travel and suggestions.
  • Knowledge graph including maps, user reviews, basic facts etc.
  • The related videos.
  • Results for “People also ask”
  • Visual results including similar destinations.
  • Organic text results.

This is the concept of SERP marketing. You need to optimize for all other search elements now. These include videos, images and quick answer sections.

You have to take all your visitors and every search result page as a whole, to achieve brand visibility here.

Ways to dominate Google with SERP Marketing

You need to analyze your current opportunities.

There is an ultimate SERP marketing tool that helps you to determine all important content formats that are needed to dominate your targeted queries.


This tool shows you where you are missing as per your current rankings.

You have to set up a strategy for content collaboration

There are challenges and opportunities both in content diversification. You have to have continuously quality contents in various formats. You have also to leverage more mediums and use more tools and tactics for the job.

Content Collaboration is the only tactic that can help in solving many issues and make your marketing strong with many benefits. It includes trusts, shares and natural back links. You can build contracts to co create contents and scale them by some great projects.

You can use BizSwipe for easily building B2B connections for co creating contents and to collaborate marketing. You can also use advance filters and easy connection tools that will help you to find partners and influencers, for diversifying your strategy for contents.

You can organize your strategy by using an Editorial Calendar

You can consider using an Editorial Calendar solution to help you to organize your campaigns.

You can use ContentCal, which is a marketing collaboration platform. It will help you in organizing your omni channel content marketing strategy and by boosting its efficiency.


You need to create a central dashboard for all your content plans, for your entire team to see. It is important for making a consistent and effective strategy for contents.

You may want to work on omni channel marketing for content diversification immediately. It will improve your search visibility to no limits.

Trend of SEO#4: New Types of Structured Data

Google is adding support for new types of data that includes FAQ pages, fact check and many such more. Google wants to extract more data from your pages and give the publishers more exposure in return.

It gives SEO a competitive advantage over those, who are not aware of these new developments. The search snippets are now interactive. Any question can be clicked on to get the answer now. It can also take the visitor to your web site.

Ways to implement Structured Data

You can implement structured markup with the help of so many tools, plugins and solutions and you do not require any technical knowledge for this.

SEO is updating itself at an incredibly fast pace. Do you have any additional information on this subject? Do share with us.

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