The motherboard is the backbone of the computer, connecting all of its components in one place and allowing them to communicate with one another. Without it, none of the computer’s components, such as the CPU, GPU, or hard drive, would be able to communicate with one another. For a computer to function properly, the motherboard must be fully functioning. You can check out various i9-12900k Motherboards from a lot of different websites.
Integrated motherboards:
All motherboards are now designed for integration. Since all ports and connectors such as serial and parallel ports, IDE, CD drive, and more are embedded on the motherboard, these types of motherboard do not require external expansion cards; however, their repair and maintenance are more expensive than non-integrated motherboards. Furthermore, along with their rich features, there are some features such as accessibility, fast speed, and cost effectiveness.
Non-integrated motherboards:
Traditional motherboards were mostly designed to be non-integrated. Use an expansion board to connect those connectors on those types of motherboards, allowing the case to have more space for external expansion cards. If any of the components become defective, they can be repaired and maintained at a low cost.
Though different motherboards have varying capabilities, limitations, features, and physical size/shapes (form factor), they are mostly identified/grouped/categorized by their form factors. Each manufacturer has developed a form factor to suit the design of computers.
Pico BTX mainboard
Because these boards are smaller in size, they are referred to as Pico. Despite sharing the top half of BTX, two expansion slots are supported. Its distinguishing features are half-height or riser cards, and it meets the needs of digital applications.
Motherboard BTX
BTX stands for Balanced Technology Extended, and it is intended to manage the demands of new technologies in terms of increased power requirements and thus increased heat generation. BTX board development was halted by Intel in the mid-2000s in order to focus on low-power CPUs.
Motherboard ATX
ATX stands for Advanced Technology Extended, and it was developed by Intel in the 1990s as an improved version of an earlier version of the AT motherboard. It is smaller in size than AT and allows the connected components to be interchanged. The connector aspects have significantly improved.
These motherboards have larger physical dimensions of hundreds of millimeters, making them unsuitable for the mini desktop computer category. A larger physical size also makes it more difficult to install new drivers. As power connectors, sockets and six-pin plugs are used in these motherboards. Because these power connectors are not easily identifiable, users have difficulty connecting and using them. This type of motherboard was popular in the 1980s and had a long shelf life.
In conclusion, The form factor is important because computers take many shapes due to digital application needs where computers must be built into machines, moving vehicles, and any other equipment on the planet. In the coming days, the nature and size of the motherboard will change on a regular basis.