Tailor Sitting Position – The How To’s And Precautions!

by Carter Toni

Being pregnant, especially towards the end of trimesters could get a little uneasy with the growing baby and the increased discomfort. At times, it might even feel rather “impossible” to get done with any work, all thanks to the super active baby, which causes all aches, pains, and stress.

The tailor sitting position is one exercise that helps you to not only get rid of these discomforts but also can help you to work on your posture and provide relief while you sit.

To know more about the tailor sitting, their benefits, the how-tos, and the precautions, continue to read on.

Having said that, before you start with these exercises make sure to refer to your pediatrician to be sure of the benefits as every pregnancy has its own pros and cons attached. By reviewing it first helps you make the right choices and keeps you safe from the foreseen dangers.

How To Position Yourself For the Tailor Exercise?

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get into the tailor position and ease out those aches and pains, giving the unborn baby enough space to move and position themself:

The Tailor Sit

The tailor position helps you exercise your thigh, hip, and pelvic region to make them more flexible. To get into the position, all you need to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Spread a yoga mat and sit on it
  2. Make sure that your feet soles are together and the back straight and comfortable
  3. Now, gently try to lean forward, until you experience a mild stretch in your thigh and hip muscles
  4. Keep in mind that your back must be straight throughout and avoid pushing legs with your hands
  5. Once there, try to hold the position and count to 5
  6. And, relax

Bonus – The Trunk Turns!

When practicing the tailor sitting position, you could also add the truck turns into the exercise (post confirming your healthcare provider). This will help make you even more flexible, from shoulders to your hips. To practice:

  • Spread your yoga mat and sit on the floor – legs crossed
  • Make sure to keep your back straight
  • Now, place your left hand over your right knee and rest the right hand on the floor for support and balance
  • Once in position, slowly twist towards your right by turning your head, shoulders, and chest, as far as possible, keeping your comfort in mind
  • Now, hold this position and count to 5 and change your sides slowly

Why Is the Tailor Sitting Position Beneficial During Pregnancy?

The Tailor sitting is a part of the tailor exercises that are proven to be quite beneficial during pregnancy. This position is a culmination of five key exercises of the Bradley natural childbirth method.

To name a few benefits of this exercise:

  • The position encourages the body to form good posture that will help ease the backaches while also improving the blood circulation along the body’s midline
  • It helps to push the uterus forward that provides the baby with extra room to wiggle into the favorable position for birth
  • The exercise also helps the expecting moms to strengthen their pelvis, hip, and thigh muscles. This is also useful after the birth of the little munchkin
  • The tailor position helps to also strengthen and stretch the inner thighs and groin, giving you added flexibility
  • Prevents uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence post the birth of the baby

Tailor Sitting Position: Precautions

Needless to say, the tailor sitting position is the safest exercise for most people, nevertheless, it is important for you to check with your doctor first, especially if you have any previous injuries on your knees or groin.

In most and general cases, the tailor sitting position shouldn’t be hurtful, but if it does, you must make sure to immediately call your doctor for advice.

Know that back pain and pelvic pain/pressure could also be a sign of early or premature labor. Here are a few indications of the signs of labor:

  • Regular or timeable contractions
  • Experiencing vaginal fluid
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Bleeding or spotting
  • Any sudden change in the vaginal discharge

To Conclude:

We hope that this quick read has helped you with the answers to the questions you had. Repeating ourselves, make sure to check with your doctor to know if the exercise is beneficial for your pregnancy and the unborn baby.

It’s ok if you are not able to ace the position, practicing as expected can help you take advantage of the benefits offered by this position.

FAQs: Tailor Sitting Position – The How To’s And Precautions!

1. What is the tailor’s sitting position?

The tailor sitting position is the exercise that helps to stretch your thigh and hip muscles that enable you to sit comfortably.

2. How to sit in a tailor sitting position?

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get into a tailor position:

  • Spread your yoga mat and sit on the floor – legs crossed
  • Make sure to keep your back straight
  • Now, place your left hand over your right knee and rest the right hand on the floor for support and balance
  • Once in position, slowly twist towards your right by turning your head, shoulders, and chest, as far as possible, keeping your comfort in mind
  • Now, hold this position and count to 5 and change your sides slowly

3. Is it good for a pregnant woman to sit all day?

No! Sitting all day is not healthy for any expecting mother. One must make sure to have a good balance between sitting, standing, and walking. This is because sitting for long hours could increase the risk of blood clots, while on the other hand, standing for long hours could compromise the flow of the blood to the baby. So, having a balance is the right choice.

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