The Best CTM Routine for Every Skin Type


Skin Care in 2022 is overhyped with a lot of practices and trends getting viral. We get a few of them and few don’t, hence it is important for all of us to swear by one basic skincare regime that covers all the basic things required to keep the face and body fresh, healthy, and glowing. CTM is a definitive skincare ritual that simply stands for Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing.

What is a CTM Routine?

A healthy skincare regime comprises three major steps- Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing. This is a very simplified regime that begins with cleansing your face for removing dirt, oil, and clogged pores. This step is followed by using a Toner to fix the pores and later moisturize the skin to keep it smooth, supple, and soft.

Step By Step Guide To Practice CTM Routine At Home


Step1. Start with Washing Face with cold water.

Step2. Cleanse the face with a Face Wash and massage the face gently in a circular motion. Rub your fingertips on the different areas of the face like Cheeks, T Zone, Forehead, and Chin.

Step3. Rinse with plain water and clean the lather from the face, especially the eye area.

Step4. Now pat dry the face with a soft towel to allow it to get dry.


Exfoliation is important to remove the layer of dead skin from the face and all you need is to scrub your face thoroughly. It is generally not counted in the CTM routine but an extremely important ritual.

Step1. After using a Facewash, pick an Exfoliant scrub and or any Skin Care Tool that exfoliates the skin.

Step2. While using the tool, rub it gently all over the face and if you are using any scrub allow your fingers to rub it for some time.

Step3. Rinse off with normal water.


Toning is all about closing the open pores that happen while cleansing the face. It also removes the last bit of dirt that is left on the face after cleansing.

Step1. Take any Face Toner and soak a cotton pad.

Step2. Rub the cotton pad all over your face.


A CTM routine is incomplete without moisturizing as it makes the dry skin soft and supple.

Step1. Take any moisturizing cream or lotion that suits your skin type and apply it all over your dry face.

Benefits of Following CTM Routine

Deep Cleaning 

After a long day, the first thing we want to do after getting home is to remove the make-up and get rid of the oil and sweat. Following deep cleansing using a Facial Cleanser Machine helps to get rid of the smudged make-up, dirt, oil, sweat, and dead skin from the face.

Protect the Facial Pores 

Open pores on the face become a prime factor of acne and breakouts as dirt and oil find their way back in these pores. Following a deep skincare routine will help you to tighten the open pores, hydrate the skin and create a protective sheath around.

Maintains the PH Balance

Using certain products can be harsh on the skin and cause skin-related issues. To combat that, the CTM routine maintains the PH balance of the face that plays a major role in forming a healthy barrier around the skin.

Retains the Moisture 

Following the CTM routine protects the skin from dryness and irritation. There are certain factors that make the skin dry like weather change and CTM revives the missing hydration and moisture.

There are a lot of ongoing trends in the skincare and beauty segment but a basic CTM habit is worthwhile fixing all your skincare needs!

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