Top 5 apps for young professionals

by Carter Toni

If you are embarking on your first foray into the professional, commercial world, you are likely nervous and looking to consider anything that can help you get ready. One easy and effective way to prepare a professional career is to get your tech on board – by downloading a number of helpful apps. Below are the top five apps for young professionals, and a wild card app just to keep things light.


When you are just starting out in a professional role, you will probably be under a probationary period for the first three to six months, and as a result, you will want to prove your mettle in order to retain your role. The LinkedIn app is extremely handy to have because it allows you to quickly check in with leads and follow up with contacts when you are not at your computer.

The flexibility that the LinkedIn app allows is particularly important if you are working with an international client base. You may be on your commute home while your client is just getting to their morning emails and LinkedIn messages – having the app allows you to respond much easier and faster.


Regardless of how proficient you are in English, there is nothing like a typo to make an email sound amateurish, awkward and unprofessional. Grammarly will pick up all of the typos and grammar issues in your emails while boosting your overall communication style.


Passwords are difficult for all of us to remember, but they are especially difficult to remember when your manager is looking over your shoulder, asking you why you have not yet submitted a report. 1Password helps to create complex passwords and store them safely, thus allowing you peace of mind while working.


When you are just starting out in your career, you never know when a client, product manager or director will give you a call. You may want to tape calls in order to learn from them by relistening later or just to organize advice from managers – TapeACall will help you do just that.


This is an app that helps you to do what it says – focus – by limiting the notifications you receive from social media platforms. This is the perfect app for meetings and for when you just need to knuckle down and get to work without distraction.

Wild card – something just for fun

It is important to incorporate fun and entertainment in your life, as you do not want to concentrate too much on your new role and burn out quickly. Mobile games and online casinos are becoming increasingly popular and the best online casinos have started offering competitive registration bonuses and seasonal offers. Online casinos and sports betting platforms are especially convenient because they can be enjoyed on the go or while watching TV.

Other young professionals might find apps related to sports, shopping or wellness more entertaining – whatever it is that interests you, just ensure that you are able to create balance while working.

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