Based on an exploratory qualitative investigation of women’s desire for beauty in three East Asian cultures: South Korea, China, and Japan, this study introduces a new concept, human beauty value (HBV). By focusing on the socio-cultural phenomena that are relevant to women’s conceptions of beauty, this study identifies the underlying reasons why women wish to be beautiful.
This study proposed a new concept called human beauty value to analyze the fundamental reasons women seek to be beautiful in South Korean, Chinese, and Japanese cultures (HBV). A literature survey in relevant areas and the results often focus group interviews are included in this exploratory qualitative study. This study posits four dimensions of HBV (superiority, self-development, individuality, and authenticity) and a hierarchical process among the antecedents (social comparison, social rivalry, and social norms), the pursuit of HBV, and the outcomes based on the interviews (i.e., emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral aspects). Each culture’s participants indicated a distinct hierarchical HBV process that represents both cultural universality and distinctiveness. The findings of this study add to our understanding of East Asian women’s identities.
Although beauty is merely skin deep, the perception of beauty can lead to harmful social bias. Women may experience greater social anxiety, bias, and inequality based on their looks than men. These researches have shed light on the factors that influence and result in the quest for beauty. Even though much earlier research on these components of beauty has been undertaken, there is still a lot of debate over why women, in particular, are so concerned with their appearance. Academic interest in modern East Asian women’s conceptions of beauty has been lacking. Some studies have attempted to look at the various concerns surrounding East Asian women’s conceptions of beauty, but they either collected data from one culture or grouped the three Asian cultures As a result, given the cultural continuity and diversity of these three significant East Asian cultures, these studies have failed to adequately identify women’s judgments of attractiveness. Furthermore, from the mid-twentieth century to the early twentieth century, the perceptions of beauty in modern East Asia have radically changed due to globalization.
Due to industrialization and democratization, the cultural convergence between East Asia’s cultural inheritance and the entrance of Western culture
As a result, studying East Asian women’s conceptions of beauty from a cross-cultural perspective can be quite beneficial.
One of the goals of social science is to reveal the underlying causes of specific social phenomena by building a theory that explains the relationship between socio-cultural antecedents, phenomena, and outcomes, and then utilizing the theory to forecast future conditions. The following objectives were devised based on the purpose of social science and the lack of previous effective study on East Asian women’s judgments of beauty.
Determine the underlying factors that influence women’s judgments of attractiveness in three East Asian cultures: South Korea, China, and Japan.
In three East Asian cultures
South Korea, China, and Japan understand the hierarchical process among the antecedents, manifestations, and effects associated with women’s quest for beauty. East Asian countries are similarly concerned about their hair, and they utilize glueless wigs and a ginger color wig to improve their appearance.
This study offers the new concept of HBV to define the ultimate value East Asian women place on beauty to achieve these goals. The research also deduces why they aspire to be attractive. Furthermore, this research investigates the causes and implications of these values and makes systematic attempts to understand them.
Grasp the antecedents’ hierarchical process, the pursuit of HBV, and the outcomes to lay a theoretical framework for the concept, this study defines HBV based on the scant prior research available. We then did an exploratory qualitative study to empirically establish the notions of HBV.
Value qualities and their conceptual definition
Value can be confused with other socio-cultural words such as social norms, need, ideas, or attitudes since its definition is intuitive and imprecise. Because of this uncertainty, the notion of value has been altered frequently depending on the research’s objective and specialty. As a result, different definitions exist. Despite the numerous meanings.
Value of human beauty
Based on the preceding literature assessment, this study suggests the following definition of HBV and its characteristics: HBV is a value that emphasizes human glueless wig that provides attractiveness and a subjective belief in a desirable or desired end-state for a beautiful physique. It can also refer to behaviors that manage physical conditions and, as a result, guide the selection or appraisal of behaviors, persons, or events that contribute to determining human beauty. HBV is a cultural product that is influenced by sociocultural environments, and similar characteristics of HBV may exist in different civilizations. Depending on cultural features, these values could be ordered hierarchically and clearly.
While nothing can beat the feeling of having your hair done by you, sometimes it is possible to lose the battle to get your hair back and end up bald. Baldness can be due to genetic factors, lifestyle effects, or even adverse reactions to certain treatments. The chemotherapy treatment can cause hair loss in women who are undergoing chemotherapy. Hair loss and hair thinning can also be caused by hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. Some people may feel compelled to use hair fall treatment, hair weaving, or similar methods. However, there are cheaper and more effective options that can be used to cover your thin and fragile hair. Married women in certain Orthodox communities are required to cover their hair after marriage.
Average women spend over an hour in front of glass fixing their hair. Wigs can exclude the hassles of perfect hair and save a lot of time. Numerous women live busy lives with exciting schedules. Exemplifications include single mothers that work full-time and who are always on the go scholars with a full schedule of classes who also attend a lot of clubs and meet businesswomen fulfilling the requirements of guests while doing a lot of traveling. These are the times when women can appreciate how accessible and easy it’s to put on a cap that makes them look good with minimum trouble.