Who is Bennett Levine? What Challenges is Archewell Productions Facing?

by Moore Martin

Who is Bennett Levine

Who is Bennett Levine

In the realm of entertainment and production, Bennett Levine’s name has recently been making waves. His decision to leave his position as the production manager at Archewell Productions, a company founded by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, has generated significant interest and raised questions about the challenges the company is currently facing. Let’s delve into the details to understand who Bennett Levine is and the hurdles that Archewell Productions is encountering.

Who is Bennett Levine?

Bennett Levine is a professional who has played a pivotal role in the operations of Archewell Productions, a renowned production company established by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. His journey with the company began in 2021, and his dedication and expertise led to a promotion to the position of manager in June 2022.

However, Bennett Levine recently announced his departure from Archewell Productions via his LinkedIn profile. He expressed his enthusiasm for embarking on a new venture as a Tracking Executive at Cinetic Media. Before joining Archewell Productions, Bennett amassed a wealth of experience through various roles at Cornerstone Research, Sony Pictures Entertainment, and Picturestart. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from William & Mary.

It’s worth noting that Bennett Levine’s exit from Archewell Productions has not gone unnoticed. Daily Mail has described it as “a blow to the company,” emphasizing his significance within the organization.

What Challenges is Archewell Productions Facing?

Archewell Productions, led by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, has encountered a series of high-profile departures, with Bennett Levine being one of the notable exits. Other executives, including Ben Browning, an Oscar-nominated producer, and Fara Taylor, the head of marketing, have also bid farewell to the company.

The list of departures extends to Mandana Dayani, the former president of Archewell, and Rebecca Sananes, the head of audio and a producer on the hit podcast “Archetypes.” These departures raise concerns about the stability and creative direction of the company.

These changes come at a critical juncture for Archewell Productions as it navigates its collaborations with streaming platforms such as Netflix and Spotify. Notably, the company faced challenges with Spotify, resulting in the termination of their partnership in June 2023. With key figures departing, questions arise regarding the company’s strategic vision and its ability to sustain successful content creation.

Archewell Productions’ Contracts with Netflix and Spotify

Archewell Productions made significant headlines by securing lucrative deals with Netflix and Spotify. The Netflix agreement, valued at $100 million, remains active until 2025. This partnership has already borne fruit with the production of docuseries such as “Harry & Meghan,” “Live to Lead,” and “Heart of Invictus.” However, the story with Spotify took a different turn, leading to the termination of their collaboration in June 2023.

The Wall Street Journal reported a stall in the production of the second season of the podcast “Archetypes,” which prompted the decision to part ways with Spotify. While Archewell Productions continues to collaborate with Netflix, the future of its projects with the streaming giant beyond 2023 remains uncertain. The couple’s move to terminate the Spotify deal adds complexity to the company’s future endeavors in the audio content space.

In conclusion, Bennett Levine’s departure from Archewell Productions marks a significant development in the company’s journey. It underscores the challenges the organization faces as it navigates the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment industry. With high-profile exits and complex contractual arrangements, the future direction of Archewell Productions remains a topic of intrigue and speculation.


1. Why did Bennett Levine leave Archewell Productions?

Bennett Levine resigned from Archewell in January 2024 to take on a new position as a Tracking Executive at Cinetic Media.

2. What challenges has Archewell Productions faced recently?

Archewell Productions has experienced high-profile executive departures, the termination of their Spotify partnership, and uncertainty regarding future projects.

3. Is Archewell Productions’ contract with Netflix still active?

Yes, Archewell’s contract with Netflix, signed in 2021, is still active and valid until 2025.

4. Why did Archewell end its partnership with Spotify?

Archewell terminated its Spotify partnership in June 2023 after the second season of their podcast “Archetypes” stalled for over a year.

5. What concerns did Meghan Markle express at the Power of Women gala?

Meghan Markle voiced worries about spending significant money on production ventures and the pressure to deliver expected results in her speech at the Power of Women gala in November 2023. Visit – NewsPSP | NewsDekha

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