Why Does Cholesterol Increase With Age?

by Glenn Maxwell

Cholesterol is a well-known risk for heart diseases. The interesting part of it is that it varies from age, weight, and gender. Since the body produces more cholesterol as you age, the doctor recommends people who are 20 years or older get their cholesterol checkups done regularly after every five years.

This blog is a detailed overview of the increase in cholesterol levels with age. Let’s move further into it.

Cholesterol Increase With Age

What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is usually of two types, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is considered bad cholesterol, and having excessive of it in the bloodstream can form fatty deposits called plaques. These plaques cause other problems like heart attacks and strokes.

On the other hand, when you have HDL or good cholesterol, the risk of heart diseases and stroke significantly decreases. Whenever you get your cholesterol level checked, the doctor will measure your HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol levels and recommend you the diet and medicine accordingly.

Relationship Between Your Cholesterol Levels and Your Age

Cholesterol levels usually tend to increase with age. However, when you take care of them at an early age, you tend to prevent them from becoming dangerously high over time as unmanaged cholesterol is relatively challenging to treat.

Usually, the risk of LDL is higher in males than in females. As their age increases, their cholesterol levels increase too. Increase in cholesterol level decrease the blood flow in vein which is major factor in erectile dysfunction. Remedy called Suhagra 100 increases the blodd flow in men.

Other factors that increase the chances of dying from LDL are high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and inactivity. Cholesterol is not always a single factor. Instead, it is a piece of a puzzle that both doctor and patient should not avoid.

What Are The Recommended Cholesterol Levels?

Other than aging, cholesterol levels also increase due to several health conditions and lifestyle factors. The healthy and unhealthy diseases of these levels are as follows:

Cholesterol Levels For Adults

Your cholesterol levels are classified as high, low, borderline, or healthy. The total levels of cholesterol in adults should be under 200 mg/dl. The readings that show 200 to 239 mg/dl are considered borderline, and 240 mg/dl as high.

On the other hand, the LDL in a healthy person is usually less than 100 mg/dl. Doctors considered people with LDL of about 100 to 129 mg/dl and no health issues less susceptible to danger. However, they suggest treatment for people having heart diseases or other risk factors.

Moreover, doctors tend to keep the HDL levels higher. People who have less than 40 mg/dl reading are highly prone to heart diseases.

Tips To Lower The Cholesterol Levels

According to NIH, you can reduce your cholesterol levels by:
⦁ Including heart-healthy food in your diet. It includes fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
⦁ Being more physically active
⦁ Focusing on keeping your weight moderate.
⦁ Quitting smoking, if applicable.
⦁ Managing stress.

They also recommend you consult your doctor before commencing a new exercise plan. Further, it also suggests that a person should exercise at least 30 minutes a day. A healthy diet and exercise decrease cholesterol levels and save you from the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

When To Consult A Doctor?

If your family has a history of heart diseases, overweight, or other health conditions like erection, it is recommended to get your cholesterol levels checked more often. Indian Suhagra treats impotence if blood flow is low in old age.Typically, you should begin checking your cholesterol levels after the age of 20 or older every four to six years.

Your doctor will recommend treatment when he:
⦁ Witnessed the result shows high or borderline levels.
⦁ Considers you overweight.
⦁ Considers your family history of heart disease.


This shows how cholesterol levels increase with age and what needs to be done to cure it. It is because having high cholesterol levels at any age increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. If you want to reach or maintain a healthy level of cholesterol, you need to change your lifestyle, and if not enough, take the help of prescribed medications. Ensure to get the checkup done regularly to keep yourself healthy and fit and increase your lifespan. Always remember that this needs extra care and discussions to figure out the best decision for each patient.

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