Why Mohamed Muizzu Calls for the Indian Military’s Exit from the Island Nation!

by Moore Martin

Why Mohamed Muizzu Wants Indian Military Out Of Island Nation

In this article, we will delve into the recent development where Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu has expressed his desire for the Indian Military to withdraw from the Island Nation. This move has garnered significant attention, and we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

The Background Story

Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu made this request shortly after being sworn in as the eighth head of the Island nation, following his victory over the incumbent president, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. This significant development unfolded during a meeting with Union Minister Kiren Rijiju, who had traveled to Maldives to attend Muizzu’s swearing-in ceremony.

Muizzu’s request for New Delhi to withdraw its military presence stems from the belief that the democratic will of the Maldivian people should be respected. He highlighted that his strong mandate in the Presidential Election empowered him to make this appeal on behalf of his nation.

Mohamed Muizzu’s Victory

To provide a clearer context, it’s important to note that Mohamed Muizzu secured victory as the eighth president of the Maldives by winning approximately 54 percent of the vote, defeating his predecessor, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. This electoral success underscores the people’s trust in his leadership.

The Pro-Chinese Stance

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that Mohamed Muizzu is a member of the Progressive Party of Maldives and is often seen as pro-Chinese in his political orientation. Following his victory in the presidential polls, China’s foreign ministry praised his work and the respect he has earned for his contributions.

Summing It Up

The news of President Mohamed Muizzu’s request for the Indian Military to leave the Maldives has generated significant interest and discussions. His appeal is grounded in the belief that it aligns with the democratic will of the Maldivian people, who voted him into office with a strong mandate.

As the situation evolves, we will continue to provide updates and insights on this matter. Stay tuned for more information.


1. Why does Mohamed Muizzu want the Indian Military to leave the Maldives?

President Mohamed Muizzu believes that the democratic will of the Maldivian people should be honored, and his request for the Indian Military’s withdrawal is based on this principle.

2. What was the outcome of the Presidential Election in the Maldives?

Muizzu won the Presidential Election with approximately 54 percent of the vote, defeating his predecessor, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

3. What is Mohamed Muizzu’s political affiliation?

He is a member of the Progressive Party of Maldives and is often viewed as having a pro-Chinese stance.

4. How has China reacted to Muizzu’s victory?

China’s foreign ministry has praised Muizzu’s work and the respect he has earned for his contributions.

5. Will there be further updates on this matter?

Yes, as the situation develops, we will continue to provide updates and insights on this topic. Stay tuned for the latest information.

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