10 Best Holidays for Your Ecommerce Marketing!

by Sean Dixon


Holidays play a unique role in sales’ and notably e-commerce strategy.

Over 80% of retail customers admit that shopping is one of the forms in which they celebrate these special days. In addition to celebrating, resting, or spending time with the family, shopping is something that for most of us has become a common way of spending holidays.

Holiday sales in the retail and e-commerce industry are responsible for the lion’s share of all sales. In the United States, in recent years, more than 22% of total e-commerce sale occurs during the winter season, which lasts about thirty days.

The winter season is not only the only time to focus on your marketing planning and strategy. All over the years year, there are many holidays you can use to increase your sales. Below is a calendar of the top 10 most popular that are a great opportunity to boost marketing and sales for your brand.

New Year (January, 1)

When everybody is tired and sleepy after New Year’s Eve there is still time for shopping. New Year may not seem the best occasion for sales but it is. Especially after a week of very often free time, we become a bit bored with doing nothing or spending time with the family. Doing plans for New Year is another factor. Just think about those who want to run a Marathon or lose some kilos and.. yes, definitely and they need new trainers! So, don’t miss this day… wake up!

Chinese New Year (January/February)

Don’t forget about the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year which is celebrated usually in late January to the mid of February is the perfect occasion for e-commerce marketing, too.

Valentine’s Day (February, 14)

Valentine’s Day is definitely the best marketing date in the first quarter. It is the perfect occasion for contests, giveaways, and also sales. If your niche is related to beauty products, women’s clothing, or jewelry there’s perhaps no better date.

Mother’s Day (May)

Mothers are unique and their holiday also. Not only for celebration but also in marketing. Mother’s Day has no common date all over the world. In some countries, it is celebrated in autumn. Regardless of the season when it is celebrated, the importance of this special occasion remains. You should definitely consider it for organizing promotions or doing an online contest, for example with the Socialman app.

Diwali (October/November)

The biggest festival in India and a holy day for Hindus all over the world, the festival of lights can be another great sales and marketing opportunity for your business. As traditionally Diwali is related to gifts, you should consider it as a good opportunity for selling decorative items or clothing.

Thanksgiving (November)

The winter season begins. It is said that in the United States the winter season shopping traditionally begins on Black Friday. However, this is not exactly true. Actually, with the increase in online sales in recent years, retailers should think about Christmas sales as early as the beginning of November. Thanksgiving is one of the important dates then. Don’t forget it!

Halloween (November, 31)

Halloween, just a few days after Thanksgiving makes another great opportunity. Not only is it a unique occasion, but recently after the rise of the gaming industry is a perfect date for boosting your marketing. Despite sales, don’t miss this is also a perfect occasion to run a Halloween contest.

Black Friday

Black Friday is the key date in all real sales in the United States and many countries abroad. This single day is responsible for the vast amount of total winter season sales. It is a date not to miss, perhaps the most important in the whole year.

Cyber Monday

In 2020, Cyber Monday became the biggest online shopping day in U.S. history. That year online customers spent approximately 10.8 billion dollars in online sales in that single day. The trend continued in 2021, so Black Friday is no longer the king.

The whole weekend between Black Friday and Cyber Monday called Cyber Five is recently responsible for about 5% of the total sales of the year.

Christmas (December, 25)

Last but not least, Santa finally comes.

The whole winter season is related to this day and the peak of winter season sales occurs just a few minutes before the sounds of bells the carrols.

There is no more to add here, perhaps.

Bottom line

A good marketing strategy in eCommerce is a function of planning. With the best dates for using holidays as your marketing leverage, don’t forget to plan ahead. Any marketing effort should be carefully planned ahead and suitable for your niche.

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