Beer;a Fermented Alcoholic Beverage That Is Usually Made From Malted Cereal Grains


Beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverages in the world, and the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. Although the world has gotten used to the taste and variety of different beers from around the world through commercialization, the drink remains as much a social pastime and passion as it has ever been. Beer is an alcoholic beverage produced by extracting raw materials with water, boiling (usually with hops), and fermenting. Because beer is the beverage of choice in these locations, beer itself has become a staple drink of social and familial comfort.Although used in varying proportions depending on the style being made, beer is made from grain, hops, yeast, and water. And with products like gluten free beer, almost anyone can discover a brand that fits their diet and taste preferences.

Despite its popularity, beer is a global phenomenon. Not only is it the oldest and most popular alcoholic drink, it is also third most popular drink across the globe. It is often referred to as the ‘world’s favorite drink.’ Depending on the brewing process, it can contain low levels of alcohol. One method that uses a special yeast produces small amount of alcohol during the fermentation process. Other processes may produce similar results. The final product have a traditional beer smell, taste, and appearance. It is best to limit beer consumption to one or two drinks per day to avoid consuming too much. The key is to choose the right one. There are a lot of options for beer that can be consumed safely.

Drinking alcohol on at least 3 to 4 days per week or drinking one alcoholic beverage per day is a good rule of thumb for people who drink alcohol. More than two drinks daily can increase the risk of developing health problems, as the resulting alcohol intake is too high for the body and can lead to various health problems. However, several alcoholic beverages, such as beer, help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Moderate alcohol use helps reduce the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease by around 30% to 50% when compared with nondrinkers. But heavy alcohol consumption wipes out any health benefit and increases risk of liver cancer, alcoholism, cirrhosis, and obesity.

Beers fall in an alcoholic content around 3 to 13%. Though these are the standard alcohol rates, some may be weaker or even stronger than these. The strength of modern beer is usually around 4% to 6% alcohol by volume (ABV), although it may vary between 0.5% and 20%, with some breweries creating examples of 40% ABV and above. Beer is usually brewed from cereal grains such as maize, rice, and wheat. Moreover, it is brewed with hops that adds stability, bitterness, and flavor to the beer. Other flavoring agents such as gruit, fruits, and herbs can also be added instead of hops to add flavor and bitterness to the beer.The first beer in the world was brewed by the ancient Chinese around the year 7000 BCE (known as kui).

In the west, however, the process now recognized as beer brewing began in Mesopotamia at the Godin Tepe settlement now in modern-day Iran between 3500 – 3100 BCE. With far less alcohol per ounce than other drinks, beer can be the drink of moderation.

According to Coherent Market Insights, Europe to be the second largest region in global beer market, owing to increase in beer consumption in this region. According to Brewers of Europe, the beer consumption in Europe rose from 35.25 Bliters in 2014 to 35.91 billion liters in 2016.

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