Chalets for Sale in Lebanon!

by Sean Dixon

If you are looking for chalets for sale in Lebanon, you are not the only one attracted to this popular destination. Lebanon is a gulf country with a versatile history located on the western side of the continent of Asia. It shares a border with Syria and Israel stretching up to the Mediterranean sea. It was ruled by different empires over time and that has made this country an attractive tourist destination. Many people like to rent or purchase chalets. 

  Things to Know 

You must be aware of the following: either you are finding chalets for sale in Lebanon or rent. Few steps are the same in both cases, which include:

Native Assistance

If you are a foreigner and don’t have command of the Arabic language, you should ask for help from a local person who helps you communicate with individuals.

Select the Location

The location of Chalet is of significant importance because if all the facilities are nearby, you can earn more, and your chalet is valuable for you whether you are renting or selling. Following are the top destinations for purchasing or selling Chalets:

  • Batroun
  • Byblos
  • Mount Lebanon Governorate 

Direct or Through a Broker

If you walk nearby and ask the people about any Chalet available for rent or sale, you might be able to get it this way. If it goes fruitless, you should seek help from the real estate agent and decide on the commission.

Check Out the Chalet

Before making a final decision, you should visit and observe that all the necessities like sanitary, drainage, water supply, and the electrical system is in working condition. During your survey, you should also decide whether you want it furnished or non-furnished.

Deeds and Taxation

Ensure that you are dealing with a legit chalet owner and buying the legal one. You can submit the application to the Ministry of Finance Inheritance department for a deed. Also, check any tax liability on that property.

Property Valuation

For an investment property, you should be careful when evaluating the value of the chalet you want to buy. The following methods can be used for doing so:

  • Compare the market value and demand of the owner
  • Residual approach (price is equal to its building cost and other commodities)
  • Judge as appraiser

Consulting a real estate expert 


The contract between the buyer and seller is vital because all the future transactions are based on that agreement. Try to commit to what you are capable of. Don’t agree on anything that you are not able to fulfill.

Payment Method

Decide the payment procedure with the date, time, or upfront charges if you are taking it on rent.  

Owner Rights and Responsibilities

Buying a Chalet doesn’t mean that the process is over. It is still left with some things that you must do after doing so. You should spend time and money to know what your duties and rights are to live in that Chalet. If you buy a chalet for around $ 70,000 then you should declare this to the department to avoid fines.

Cost of Chalets in Lebanon

The price of a chalet varies with the location. For instance, if you are trying to sell a chalet in Aamchit, Faytroun, and Baabdat, it will not create much revenue as they are cheap. Chalets of Keserwan are famous, so do the ones inJbeil and El Metn.The price ranges from $ 75,000 to $300,000

We hope the information from this article will help you in securing better trades in chalets for sale in Lebanon.

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