Actress Nidhi Agerwal made her Tamil debut like a heroine within the movie Bhoomi starring Jayam Ravi. But to date no official announcement has been created regarding once the Bhoomi movie is going to be released. Actress Nidhi Agerwal has completed her next film with actor Simbu. Eeswaran, starring Simbu and Nidhi Agarwal directed by Suseendran, is going to be releasing during Pongal 2021.
The teaser of Eeswaran movie was launched today morning throughout the auspicious duration of ‘Brahma Muhurtham’.
Actress Nithi Agarwal, that has been captivating fans by posting her glamorous photos on Instagram, has once more published a glamorous and bold photo. This photo has shocked the fans as Nidhi is viewed inside a traditional outfit in Eeswaran movie.