Leadership skills training courses online—at all levels—becomes critical when we acknowledge that the world is ever-changing. If we want to proactively navigate through this movement towards our goals and aspirations, we need leaders that understand the dynamics of transformation well. The creators of executive leadership training online understand this and spend a considerable amount of time building content to establish leadership change agents.
As a first step, leaders must be able to properly evaluate the realities that they face. This involves having the critical capability to stand back, detach, suspend judgment, investigate and evaluate rationally before redirecting and letting go of what does not serve the organisation well. This encompasses not only the commercial aspects of the organisation but also the human dimensions.
There is no denying the fact that both in terms of growth opportunities, as well as emerging challenges, the corporate world is in the midst of some form of a transition. There are increasing levels of competition, and the entire rise of start-ups have made this ecosystem very competitive. Businesses need to encourage their top-level executives to go for corporate training programs to help them become better equipped to deal with the changing reality.
The ebb and flow of change
Leadership and management courses online take participants through the necessary steps to achieve sustainable transformation including the areas of diversity and inclusion that are fundamentally complex and challenging.
Leadership skills training courses online let participants get comfortable with the process of being present and providing input whilst also letting what is most advantageous emerge. Particularly when we look at what is inclusive leadership, we come to the realisation that the leader’s job is not to absolutely determine everything including the vision of what is to be. Leaders learn the benefit of supporting, guiding, and framing the change process to fit what begins to crystalise from multiple sources and inputs.
This is where leaders begin to see the real value of joint reflection, debate, participation, and connection. This becomes very helpful in engaging others in any transformation process. Sustainable transformation is never a simple process of just getting others to “buy in”. Transformation as it stabilises becomes more about getting people to enact the new ways of doing things until they become institutionalised and internalised within the people in the organisation.
During transformation, leadership change agents must clearly move themselves and others from the point of believing nothing will ever change to seeing it as inevitable and beneficial. Instead of just utilising the power of one, leadership skills training courses online facilitate an understanding that during transformation we need to harness the power of others even if initially this is a small committed minority. The work that needs to be done is forming a critical mass of those fully committed to the envisioned future state. Alignment in effort and intent is imperative to get the turning ship to stay on course. Masses of people will generally wait to see the outcomes of any new dispensation and test the level of commitment to transformational direction. When they are content that change is irreversible and there is benefit in commitment, they will be prepared to invest in the way forward.
The natural order of things
Executive leadership skills training courses online, whilst dealing with the benefits of having change agents within an organisation (particularly for big transformation initiatives), will be wise to ensure leaders and managers are never perceived as being the rescuers. Their primary contribution is to transfer competency in what is needed to others and to ensure business systems and processes are aligned to enable the transformation to happen effectively. We must always remain mindful during transformation that there is never one absolute solution or moment of transition. Patience and realism are important to ensure that what emerges properly represents resilient renewal. To appreciate change we should remember:
“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” – Anatole France