How old must a kid be to deny a visit to the United Kingdom?


Plans for your child’s care are usually among the most important aspects of divorce. There really are worries over the child’s living situation. How frequently shall I see them? Will they spend equal time with each of us? What about weekends that alternate? These are but a few of the questions posed while discussing child arrangements during mediation and beyond. London Mediation

What might be surprising is when you and your ex-spouse have addressed these questions and reached a workable arrangement through mediation or otherwise, but your children decide they do not intend to adhere to this arrangement. It may be really distressing to hear and very difficult. There are several reasons why children may express a desire to have no contact with either parent:

  • This may be a reaction to the separation itself. It is essential to note that the separation has also had an emotional impact on your children. It is possible that their unwillingness to have contact with either parent is a result of this.
  • It is possible that the youngsters do not wish to visit the “stricter” home. This can occur when various parenting styles exist and the child is having an easier time at the other residence.
  • They may just prefer the food they have with the other parent!
  • It’s possible that, while the arrangement works for you as parents, it doesn’t work for them.
  • It is possible that your children tell you what they believe you want to hear.

These are just a few examples of the reasons your children may refuse touch. It may be a mix of these or something else entirely. In this circumstance, it is crucial to determine the precise reasons why your children do not intend to comply with the agreement.

Sit with your children and communicate with them. Explain that you both desire to spend time with them and reassure them of your affection. Ensure that you pay attention to their concerns. If you can determine what the issue is, you may be able to discover potential remedies moving ahead.

What should we do if our children refuse to interact with us?

As said previously, you should first communicate with your children to determine what is going on. You should not just accept your children’s advice and abandon the plan. What would you do if your children refused to attend school?

In reality, that is a reasonable perspective. If your children have stated that they do not wish to attend school, it is advisable to inquire as to why. Are there issues at the school? Is it because the school lacks a PlayStation? This exploratory strategy is vital to issue solving.

Regarding spending time with any parent, it is essential that parents encourage interaction with one another. Regardless of your personal connection, you should urge your children to spend time with the other parent. Remember that you are everything to your children – if you share your thoughts and opinions honestly, they may undoubtedly shape their perspectives. If kids overhear you say, for instance, that their mother or father is a complete jerk and you never want to see them again, they may very well follow suit.

If you are having difficulty resolving issues on your own, you may want to seek family mediation. Family mediation entails the intervention of a skilled, licenced family mediator, who will assist you and your spouse in having talks about the situation and exploring potential solutions. In circumstances when children are denying contact, there is also the possibility of Parent Inclusion Mediation, in which the child’s wants and emotions can be expressed in their own words.

What should we do if our children refuse to interact with us?

As said previously, you should first communicate with your children to determine what is going on. You should not just accept your children’s advice and abandon the plan. What would you do if your children refused to attend school?

In reality, that is a reasonable perspective. If your children have stated that they do not wish to attend school, it is advisable to inquire as to why. Are there issues at the school? Is it because the school lacks a PlayStation? This exploratory strategy is vital to issue solving.

Regarding spending time with any parent, it is essential that parents encourage interaction with one another. Regardless of your personal connection, you should urge your children to spend time with the other parent. Remember that you are everything to your children – if you share your thoughts and opinions honestly, they may undoubtedly shape their perspectives. If kids overhear you say, for instance, that their mother or father is a complete jerk and you never want to see them again, they may very well follow suit.

If you are having difficulty resolving issues on your own, you may want to seek family mediation. Family mediation entails the intervention of a skilled, licenced family mediator, who will assist you and your spouse in having talks about the situation and exploring potential solutions. In circumstances when children are denying contact, there is also the option of Children Inclusion Mediation, in which the child’s wants and emotions can be expressed in their own words.

Child-Friendly Mediation

Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM) (also known as Kid Consultations) is a procedure in which a child inclusion mediator will visit with your child(ren) to provide them with a chance to discuss the matter with a neutral third party. In general, only children over the age of 10 are eligible for CIM; however, in extreme cases, younger children may be seen. If you employ CIM as part of the mediation process, you may anticipate that your children’s voices will be brought into the mediation room to aid in conversation facilitation. This may occur in-person or online.


For CIM to occur, the following conditions must be met:

  • Both parents must consent to CIM;
  • Both parents must consent to CIM;
  • The mediator must determine that CIM is appropriate; and
  • The kids must consent to CIM.

In addition, even if CIM is implemented, your children’s opinions may not necessarily be sent to the mediation chamber. The same principles and standards of secrecy apply to the meeting with your children, since they must consent to having their opinions sent to the main mediation.

What happens if my children refuse contact despite an existing Child Arrangements Order?

This may be a difficult circumstance. There is an ancient proverb that goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” When a child arrangements order is in effect, it is legally enforceable, therefore parents must consider the consequences of violating the order and committing contempt of court.

Despite the fact that you could apply to enforce the order in certain instances, it is more probable that the order itself must be reassessed. Taking into account the preceding debates, it may be necessary to reconsider the arrangements. Clearly, there is an issue with the arrangements that must be addressed if this occurs. Consider a discharge or modification of the order in this situation. Hopefully the latter, with this variant taking into consideration the desires and emotions of your children.

Indeed, the wants and sentiments of your children will be considered in court procedures. This is in conformity with the section 1 welfare checklist of the Children Act of 1989. The Court will consider the age and maturity of the defendant. Regardless of age, wants and feelings will be considered, however for younger children, this may be given less weight. For youngsters above 15 years of age, you should take their desires and emotions extremely seriously. In reality, the Court may choose not to issue any order.

In sum, regardless of the age of the children, their desires and emotions will be considered to varied degrees. These factors will always be weighed against the child’s age and maturity, as well as whether or not their desires and emotions are in their best interests. Generally speaking, it serves the best interests of children to spend time with both parents.

What if I am concerned about the reasons why my child is shunning contact?

If you find or have concerns about the other parent spending time with your children, it may be acceptable to suspend contact. Typically, this translates to a worry for pain or the danger of substantial injury. Examples include the following:

  • Alcoholism or drug abuse
  • Domestic violence/abuse.
  • Concerns that the other parent may permanently remove your children from the country (abduction).

If you are concerned about the health or safety of your children, you should notify Social Services or the police immediately. If a child arrangements order is in effect, you may petition the court to modify or vacate the order. As part of this application, you may obtain a temporary restraining order prohibiting contact pending a final hearing. In most instances when there is a danger of damage, family mediation will not be appropriate; nonetheless, you may desire to attend an MIAM to obtain a mediation certificate for your court application.

In certain situations, we provide urgent MIAMs, which you may schedule by contacting xxxxxxxxxx. All of our MIAMs may be delivered remotely, eliminating the need for travel. Your certificate might be issued on the same day.

I believe that my former spouse is turning my children against me. How is parental estrangement defined?

Children may have their own unique reasons for rejecting interaction, as illustrated above. There are instances, though, in which one parent deliberately turns their children against the other. As a result, children avoid touch.

The courts have taken parental alienation seriously in recent years. To protect the kid’s best interests, it was ordered in a 2019 case that a youngster should live with the non-resident parent owing to parental alienation. According to the courts, parental alienation is emotionally detrimental to children and may have lasting effects on their emotional health.

Family mediation can be effective for examining the possibility of parental alienation and then seeking to address issues outside of court. However, if you are concerned that the parental alienation is so severe that your children are suffering or are at danger of suffering serious harm, you may decide to file a court petition. You should always consult an attorney.

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