How to Improve Your Company’s SEO Plan!

by Sean Dixon

It’s hard to understate how critical SEO is to growing traffic to a website. Google is the top choice for many people to find informational content and data on products. That’s why 61% of marketers consider SEO a top priority.

However, it takes a great SEO strategy to rank your website on Google successfully. Keep reading to learn how you can improve your SEO plan and get more search engine traffic.

Don’t Ignore Low-Volume Keywords

It’s tempting to try and compete on high-volume keywords. It makes sense if you want to drive as many people to your website as possible. However, doing this is extremely hard if you’re in a competitive market.

If you want to make things easier, try focusing on search terms that don’t get as many searches. No, you won’t get as much traffic for each article. But if you target as many low-volume keywords as possible, you’ll get a lot of traffic spread across multiple pages.

On top of that, you’ll also rank for secondary keywords that will bring in more traffic. In most cases, you’ll get far more traffic from low-volume keywords than the main keywords you try to rank for.

Build Topic Clusters

Ranking for several secondary keywords isn’t the only benefit of creating a lot of topics for less-competitive keywords. As you generate a lot of content on a topic, you create a content cluster. These clusters help Google see your website as an authority on a subject and will rank your content higher because of that.

Of course, Google won’t always figure this out on its own. You’ll need to help the process along by using internal links.

Ensure you properly link similar topics together with keywords in your articles. Doing this will help Google group your content into clusters and will help you in building authority on a subject.

Don’t Ignore Your User Experience

User experience now matters when you want to rank on Google. Search engines have gotten good at determining search intent and learning if your website can answer questions. That’s why Google has invested in making sure its users have a great experience on the websites they visit.

If you have a slow and unresponsive website, it can now hurt your Google ranking. Google will measure your website and assign it a score. You’ll run into issues if your score is too low.

Use Google’s tools to learn about your page experience score and figure out what you need to change. In most cases, the issue will be speed on low-bandwidth devices. Do everything possible to reduce your page sizes to ensure everyone can quickly access your website.

Build Backlinks

It’s hard to rank with search engine optimization when you’re competing against authority websites. These sites have been around for a while now, so they have a lot of authority from age and links.

You may not be able to rank in these cases by only working on your content. You’ll need to build backlinks to your website if you want to improve your chance of ranking.

Here are a few ways you can add backlinking to your SEO strategy:

  • Guest posts
  • Skyscraper content
  • Broken link building
  • Link exchanges
  • Unlinked mentions

Consider which methods will get you the best links for the effort, and focus your efforts on those strategies.

Build Citations

You have more link-building options when you work on local SEO. If you’ve done the initial work, you should have a Google My Business account. However, that isn’t the only factor Google considers when considering your company’s local authority.

Google also checks other business directories to see what information it can find about your business. It’s a problem if you have incomplete and incorrect information in those directories.

You can claim your local business citations to correct this information. When Google sees the same information on every business directory, it makes it easier to trust your business.

Optimize for Snippets

You don’t have to rank on the number one spot on Google to show up at the top anymore. Google now scans websites for critical information that the searcher can use. It takes those snippets from websites and puts them on the front page.

That means you can optimize your website for those snippets and rank higher without taking the first spot. Look at the current content on the snippet to see why Google used it. Your goal is to modify your website to follow the same structure that snippet uses.

Optimize Your Title and Description

Google is better at figuring out what your content is about, but it still isn’t perfect. It doesn’t always create the best titles and descriptions to put on the front page. Unfortunately, that can lead some people to not click on your website when they see it in the results.

You can change your meta information to tell Google what you want to show up. Since you have control over this, you can modify this information to better convince people that your website has the answers and improve your click-through rate.

Don’t Stop Optimizing Your SEO Plan

SEO takes a lot of work to get right. You have to write amazing content, optimize your website, and build authority to get an edge over your competition.

That means you have to do a lot of work to meet the Google guidelines if you want to boost SEO. Remember the tips above when building your SEO plan to do things right and increase your SEO rankings.

Are you interested in more helpful ideas that will help you refine your overall marketing plan? Learn everything you need to know by heading back to read the blog.

Outsource content production to an AI Article Writer

The final, and arguably most critical part of any SEO strategy is the content that you create from your keyword and topic research. Without engaging, relevant, and useful content, your SEO strategy will not have a very big impact.

Unfortunately, this is where SEO generally gets incredibly expensive. However, AI writing has become a more viable alternative to traditional human writers in the last few years. While you might be skeptical of using a machine to generate content for you, using the right AI article writer can help you achieve your SEO goals with a fraction of the overall investment.

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