The most important thing is of course, no matter what you do, don’t overwork! After all, the cold or flu should be properly cured. So if you notice that an exercise or one of our suggestions is exhausting you, it’s time to go back to bed, continue drinking hot beverages, and sleep!
- Read. Whether magazines, newspapers or a book, reading is of course always a welcome change. Maybe you will take the classic from the shelf that you always wanted to read? Or a shallow love story, a thick fantasy novel or a bestselling crime novel? It doesn’t matter what, even if it’s just gossip, but it distracts you from being sick and bored.
- If reading is too strenuous, you can also check out an audio book! Lord of the Rings or Sherlock Holmes – cases, for example, when someone is after fantasy or suspense. You are then busy for a few hours and can snuggle up to bed with a hot water bottle and tea.
- Alone at home? How about playing games? Of course, a game evening with wine and friends might be more fun, but you can also play some things on your own: Solitaire, for example, or other mobile phone games. Even if it sounds a bit old-fashioned, filling out crossword puzzles and solving Sudokus is something different and gets the brain to work. Or maybe try a good old puzzle?
- Then there is of course the absolute classic in case of illness: Organize a series marathon and / or watch TV. But here you can vary a bit. How about, for example, watching series in a different foreign language? French or English maybe. Or pull out your favorite childhood films and reminisce? You can also pick your favorite actor or any Hollywood star and really watch all of his films. Or just zap wildly on TV. In the event of illness, everything is allowed!
- If you feel like doing something more creative, you can also draw, do handicrafts or write yourself. Diary or a poem maybe? Have you had an idea for a novel or a play for a long time that you’ve wanted to write for a long time? Trying out the new fancy recipe from the internet? Now is the time to start or at least brainstorm or mind mapping.
- Maybe try one of those internet quizzes like which Friends character you are or the difficult person test. Those quizzes can be really entertaining and one cannot stop taking one after another. Just visit the link to know most of these quizzes: https://www.mindsetterz.com/the-difficult-person-test-idrlabs/
- Now is the time to take a little walk. A bit of fresh air is always good, even if you just have to take down the rubbish for a short time and walk around the block. If you are too tired or broken to go out, at least keep opening the window properly and ventilate your entire apartment. If you feel a little fitter physically, you can also do light yoga or autogenic training.
- Take care of yourselves! That is, take a hot bubble bath or shower. Now is the time for peelings and masks. If you want, you can paint your nails or trim your beard in peace. And let me tell women that not wearing makeup for a week or more saves a lot of time and the skin is also happy about it.
- Grab everything you need – medication, hot water bottle, tea, throat drops – and set up a nice couch or bed. Put on your favorite pajamas, get under the covers and be lazy. You can write to all friends you haven’t contacted for a long time or formulate to-do lists. However, you shouldn’t use electrical devices for too long either, as this interferes with the recovery process. You can also just sit back, doze and think.
At the end we wish you all a speedy recovery and hope that you can do something with some of our suggestions. Take a rest, don’t infect anyone and keep your ears stiff!