6 Tips To Choose The Best SEO Firm For Lawyers

by TechloverSAhmad

Search engine optimization for law firms is one of the most difficult areas of digital marketing. Choosing a legal marketing company is not easy. You need to consider several things to find a firm that fits in your needs. Here are six tips that can make choosing lawyers SEO easy for you.

Identify your goals

The very first tip to choose the right SEO agency for lawyers is identifying goals. When you are clear and aware about your own goals that is when you can choose the attorney SEO service. Identifying your goals will help you know what you want to accomplish with an SEO campaign. Ask yourself a few questions about the market that you are trying to rank in, the practice area of law that is important for you to rank, whether you wish to prioritise ranking or want to target specific keywords etc. Not every lawyer’s SEO will be equipped with the service you need. Hence once you know what you want, you can make a better choice.

Consider history

Second tip to find an SEO company for lawyers is considering the history of SEO results by the company you choose. Now every other SEO firm will promise you to give desired results, but are they actually capable of doing that? This is something that you need to check. And to check this you need to see if there is a consistent pattern of getting clients rank to Google’s first page. Do not go by the ‘show pony’ of one single client ranking at the top. You need to keep a check on the consistency. Ideally you should settle with lawyers SEO that have the ability to make law firms rank organically on Google’s first page of search results.

Take a review

After you are done checking from the history of results it is time to ask current and former clients about their experience. You do not need to take the lawyer SEO company for its words. Cross checking a bit is necessary. You can contact the ongoing clients, old clients that are related to law firms. Get to know what difference they felt by hiring this marketing firm. You can proceed by asking basic questions to the former clients like how do agencies respond to their calls, was the delivered results satisfactory, what was the reason for discontinuing the services of this marketing agency etc. this way you will get to know a lot about different SEO agencies for law firms.

Ask about custom SEO plan

Not every law firm has the same expectations from SEO for lawyers. If the company you have shortlisted is actually good, the professionals will not mind making a customised plan as per your expectations. For all the cases you want to handle, law firm SEO experts will help you capture the traffic and generate specific leads. In case the agency does not do this, consider it a red flag. Please note it is not just about generating traffic for your website but also about getting high quality leads. Gaining traffic is a part of the equation. You basically need leads for the cases you wish to handle.

Know the service they provide

There are several law firm SEO services that are provided by different marketing companies for lawyers. Once you are clear about what you need, you can start shortlisting the marketing companies that provide similar services. The best SEO company for lawyers will provide a variety of services and tools that can help you grow your business. Your chosen SEO company must include website and domain assessments, in depth keyword research, social media marketing and outreach, content written by lawyers, on site SEO with title tags, meta descriptions and headers etc. If the company you shortlisted does all of this, you are in the right place.

Ability to build conversion driven website

Last but not the least is to check if the SEO services for lawyers that the marketing company is providing is capable of building a conversion driven website. The best law firm SEO company designs a website that is liable to convert clicks into leads. You want your target audience to visit your website and take action by calling you for help with their legal problems. The chosen marketing company needs to realise that your website is an opportunity for you to sell your services. Hence they should be able to turn out positive for you.

Whichever company you hire for your SEO, make sure to choose the best of all. SEO is about three things in general; content, links and user experience. If any of this takes a back seat the result will not be up to the market. So be vigilant about choosing lawyers’ SEO.

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