Top 15 Exciting App Ideas for Startups and Small Business in 2022

by Carter Toni

Technology has changed the way businesses used to function or behave. Amid so many innovative avenues to enhance the business prospects, mobile applications have become a vital component for any business to sustain in the market and cater to the highly dynamic customer demands.

As per a recent survey of market research firm Statistica, currently, we have over 6.055 billion smartphone users across the world. Additionally, the revenue generated by the mobile applications could reach $935 billion by 2023.

This shows the significance of apps for any organization. With the evolution of new methodologies and technologies, the application development process has become accessible and affordable for all kinds of businesses.

However, every application is fundamentally different from others, as it is based on a unique ‘Idea’ that gives them a distinct identity.

Inventing an idea that could transform a business is very tough. That is the reason why you must explore emerging technologies and trends to identify a problem area that your idea can solve. This blog will cover the top 10 App ideas that you must keep in mind while building an innovative application for your business in 2022.

Here are some exciting app ideas for 2022: 

AI-Based Image Translation App –  We encounter various challenges while understanding directions or translating foreign languages while traveling. It is important to have an app that can translate text from text boards, objects, images, and files, into a preferred language.

This app can incorporate pronunciation features that can help an individual to execute business transactions by listening, sharing, and understanding others’ viewpoints. As tourism across the globe is increasing, so is the scope of an Artificial Intelligence-based image translation app that can transform the way tourists interact while traveling to new countries.

Blockchain Invoicing or Tax Apps – It is quite complex to prepare, submit, and manage invoices for any business. At the same time, people face challenges while calculating, preparing, and submitting income tax returns, whether for business or individuals.

A perfect expense and tax management app can address these issues, and if you couple it with blockchain technology, it reaches the next level altogether. People need a reliable app that can take care of their financial tasks, making this idea a hugely beneficial prospect for any startup.

Virtual Healthcare App – Healthcare has witnessed a massive turnaround in recent times. COVID has significantly transformed the way medical services are being provided to patients. People are looking for healthcare applications that can help them avail themselves of the consultation from a medical practitioner remotely, as it helps them get immediate medical care while keeping the healthcare cost affordable

Virtual healthcare applications enable patients to avail of second opinions from specialists while keeping their sensitive information secure.

Social Media App – How about having your Social media app to help millions of people interact seamlessly? We know how Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok have captured people’s imagination and provided an alternative mode of communication. Social Media applications are highly popular among people, and they devote a sizeable amount of time to interacting and chatting with new people who may have similar interests.

You can integrate features such as video calls, voice calls, chat, map integration, security to make your application suitable for all types of users. You can develop a robust platform where customers can exchange videos, documents, and photographs without any restrictions.

P2P or UPI Transaction APP – The world is gradually adopting the digital economy and quitting conventional money transaction services. People are looking for easy and convenient payment methods such as P2P (Peer to Peer) or UPI to carry out small transactions without using cash.

You can incorporate robust security mechanisms to ensure adequate security for your app. This will encourage your customers to link their bank account, Credit Cards, and other methods to carry out their day-to-day financial transactions. This is certainly a brilliant idea for building an app, though we have plenty of apps in the market, some niche features can help your app capture a larger audience for sure.

Find Freelancing Work App – The gig economy is getting lucrative as it allows people to find flexible jobs and freelancer jobs at a commonplace. It also helps organizations to hire independent workers instead of full-time employees. Such applications offer a unified platform that connects employers with freelancers based on their requirements and skillsets.

You can develop a freelancing work application that can help professionals and even students to share their expertise and avail part-time jobs. This online business app can become massively popular as it can help in reducing unemployment up to a certain extent.

Machine Learning-based Stock Trading and Advising App – It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced broker or a beginner understanding and foreseeing the stock market is always a complex task. Machine Learning has simplified this conventional process, as it works on various learning models that assist experts in predicting the movement of stocks in a better way.

You can develop an innovative Stock trading application that can utilize advanced algorithms that can provide in-depth insights to the customers and traders to simplify their decision making. Since stock trading is an evergreen market, developing a capable application is indeed a brilliant idea, and it will help you generate huge revenues.

Voice Translation App – Language acts as a major barrier for travelers, students, and global workers. Users do prefer an application that can help them understand other languages. A voice translation application is certainly a big utility for any potential customer.

You can integrate voice search and NLP technology to enhance the capability of your app to understand various languages and gestures and translate them to the intended language. This app can certainly enhance the traveling experience and improve students’ interaction and the global workforce.

AR/VR-based Travel Apps – We do have thousands of travel websites that offer stays and other facilities to the users. However, customers do complain that their accommodations are quite different from what they offer on the websites. This problem could be resolved using an AR/VR-based travel app that can help customers to view their accommodations virtually before making the booking.

This application will be helpful for both hotels and tourists alike. Hotels can offer virtual tours to their prospective customers, whereas the clients can view their prospective accommodation and ensure they get what they are paying for.

Scan and Shop App – We have online shopping applications that allow users to search for an item and then offer product listing. How about scanning something using a smartphone camera and then purchasing it right away? Well, this is exactly what scan-to-shop mobile apps do.

Customers can scan an image, and this app offers a list of products and similar options. You can incorporate advanced technologies such as Deep Learning, AR/VR, AI, and Machine Learning to ensure your customers get a personalized shopping experience. You can develop a ‘scan to shop application’ for your online marketplace to give a niche advantage to your business.

AR VR-based Real Estate Apps – How about offering your customer a full-fledged tour of real estate without actually visiting the property? Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can make this happen for you. Real estate organizations look for applications that can assist their customers in viewing properties using virtual property tours instead of watching videos.

AR/VR technology develops a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with. These apps offer a simulated experience that provides a real-world experience to the users. It is indeed a good idea to develop such apps, as this enables users to decide to purchase, rent, or lease the properties and ensure you earn good revenue.

Virtual Interior Designer App – These days, people are interested in designing their home interiors. The virtual interior designer app can fulfill this requirement a user can simulate various designs and components before purchasing them.

You can integrate AR/VR technology to help users create a 3D model of their home, furniture, and other components on their phone screen. The app will help users to visualize interior designs, objects, colors, curtains, wall stickers, etc. The app can also recommend places from where users can purchase these items. As customer spending on interiors is increasing, it is a win-win proposition to develop such applications.

Smart Parking Mobile App –  People love going out for recreation, but they spend too much time finding an adequate parking space for their vehicle, which is indeed a big turn-off for any individual. This trend is only going to increase as the number of vehicles is rising like anything.

To fix this issue, you can develop a smart parking application. You can integrate IoT algorithms, devices, and sensors to make it easy for drivers to identify parking spaces for their vehicles. The application could be equipped with innovative features to make it easy to book a parking space at a mall or a public place in advance, which will help them save so much time.

Mental Health app – Our youths, especially the millennials, are experiencing several lifestyle-induced disorders such as hypertension, depression, suicidal tendency, diabetes, blood pressure, etc. Unfortunately, people often feel discouraged to discuss such issues with their friends and families, making it difficult for them to overcome such mental issues.

You can develop a mental health application that can use various emerging technologies and wearable gadgets to monitor various mental health parameters of individuals and offer them necessary assistance whenever it is required. Mental health mobile apps can assure a personal consultation with medical specialists, which makes it easy for them to avail necessary mental assistance.

eLearning Apps – We have seen how education and learning have been changed in recent times, especially after the emergence of COVID. People are looking for reliable applications that can help them gain knowledge remotely. Many renowned universities and educational institutes have started offering their courses in online mode only, which keeps the course cost low and ensures round-the-clock availability.

You can use the latest technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, and 5G, to develop innovative and remote learning offerings for educational institutes. As remote learning is only going to enhance further, we can say that transforming your idea into an eLearning app is a brilliant idea.

Final Words 

In this modern and digital world, people often reply to applications that can help them perform their intended tasks and accomplish their objectives. Therefore, an innovative idea is a prerequisite before kick-off a successful application development initiative.

However, finding a capable idea is just an initial step, you must find out a suitable mobile app development organization that can transform your idea into a beautiful reality. You must consider many aspects, from the technologies used to the project cost, while building an application for your organization.

Arka Softwares is a leading mobile app development company that is known for its decade-long experience in transforming innovative ideas into applications. We have seasoned developers who can craft a plethora of business applications that can provide your organization with a much-needed push to outclass its competitors.

Author Bio

Saurabh Sharma is a Digital Marketing Executive at Arka Softwares, a leading mobile app & web development company. He has 2 years of experience in the Information Technology industry. He spends his time reading about new trends in Digital Marketing and the latest app development technologies.

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