Top Jaish bombmaker killed, seek out 2 missing car bombs in Kashmir is on

by Carter Toni

Fauji Bhai alias Abdul Rehman, a top bomb-maker Jaish-e-Mohammed, was one of the three terrorists killed in an encounter with security forces in Kashmir’s Pulwama on Wednesday morning.

Top Jaish bombmaker killed

The operation was conducted by way of a joint team of security personnel which had been tracking Fauji Bhai, also referred to as Ismail, who has additionally been linked to the car bomb intercepted in Pulwama district’s Rajpora area on May 27.

Inputs available with security forces, however, indicate that there are two more similar car bombs, or vehicle improvised explosive devices (V-IEDs), in Kashmir, that Fauji Bhai, a Pakistani national, had built.

“Our information was that Fauji Bhai, also known as Ismail, had fabricated three vehicle IEDs. We seized one of the three on May 27 but there are 2 more available, possibly somewhere in Budgam and Kulgam areas,” a top-notch counter-terror official told Hindustan Times.

There ended up being a barrage of intelligence inputs over the past sixty days about plans by Jaish terrorists to carry out major strikes targeting security forces.

The Santro car full of explosives which had been seized by security forces on May 27 was the 1st of the planned attacks. It had been intercepted if it was being come to a Jaish terrorist Sameer Ahmed Dar of Kakpora, Pulwama by an overground worker.

Sameer Ahmed Dar can be a relative of Adil Dar, the suicide bomber who drove his Maruti Echo vehicle in a CRPF convoy on 14 February 2019 killing 40 troopers. This terror attack was followed by an Indian launching air strike on the terror facility in Pakistan’s Balakot, and a subsequent dogfight in between the air forces of the two neighbouring countries.

Now, Sameer Ahmed Dar had provided to drive your vehicle IED in to a security camp.

Intelligence reports indicate that among the likely targets of the car bomb was the 44 Rashtriya Rifles camp atRajpora and Shadimarg, Pulwama.

Vijay Kumar, Inspector General Police of Kashmir Range described Fauji Bhai’s elimination in Wednesday’s encounter as a huge success for that security forces, next merely to the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen’s Riyaz Naikoo in Kashmir’s Beighpora part of Awantipora recently.

Kumar stated it could not verified he is related to JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar.

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