Using an Exterior Coating to Protect Your Home’s Paint!

by Sean Dixon

People may wonder why they should use an exterior coating rather than other products for their homes. This coating comes with numerous benefits homeowners should be aware of. How does this coating work, and what are some benefits a homeowner will see when they choose this option? 

Conventional Paint

People quickly see that using an exterior coating allows them to save time and money on maintenance and energy bills. The home always appears as if it has been freshly painted, and moisture issues become a thing of the past. 

The coating last longer and won’t fade with time. When exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays, paint fades and looks washed out. This isn’t an issue with the coating. This is due to the coating’s ability to reflect the sun’s rays rather than absorb them. In addition, the coating resists moisture, which is something paint cannot do as well. 

Vinyl and Metal Siding

Vinyl and metal siding are expensive, particularly when a person owns a larger home. By choosing an exterior coating, a homeowner can save money and know their investment remains protected. The coating reflects heat, so the family saves on energy bills, as previously mentioned, and the coating continues to look good for many years. 

In addition, the coating is more flexible than vinyl or metal siding, so it can be used to protect any surface while adding to the home’s visual appeal. Homeowners love that they can get this product in the color of their choosing. They don’t have to settle for something they can tolerate, which is what many homeowners find they must do when they choose to go with new siding for the home. 

How Does an Exterior Coating Work?

The exterior coating uses heat reflective technology that has been proven to be effective. In fact, the military uses this same technology to reduce the solar heat absorbed by aircraft and vehicles. They refer to this as the heat signature. 

This is of great help, as Texas is known for its hot summers. Up to 90 percent of the radiant energy produced by the sun can be absorbed by the home. This makes the house must hotter. In addition, the coating protects the exterior of the home, so the homeowner will never need to paint their residence again. 

Additional Ways to Protect the Home

An exterior coating is only one of many ways to protect a home. For example, homeowners should inspect the caulking and sealants on the home regularly. If the home was recently built, do this inspection within 24 months of the construction and painting being completed. Older homes don’t need this inspection as often. However, if any issue is seen with the caulking and sealing while doing work around the home, address the problem immediately. 

Clean the gutters a minimum of twice a year. Clogged gutters can lead to damage to the home and its foundation. In addition, they could bring about a pest infestation and other major issues. If any mold or mildew is present, address that issue right away. 

Trim bushes and shrubs so they don’t damage the home. Moisture may become trapped between the shrubbery and the home and lead to issues. The coating will help to prevent this issue, but it’s best to avoid having to worry about it in the first place. 

Contact an exterior coating provider today to learn more about the benefits of this option for your home. The contractor will explain how and why the coating will protect the residence. All a homeowner needs to do is ask. 

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