What Are the Benefits of Using a Disability Lawyer for My Camp Lejeune Case?

by Carter Toni

One of the most popular and dangerous instances of water contamination in the United States occurred at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. People who lived at the military base at Camp Lejeune got exposed to contaminated water that eventually led to serious chronic illnesses, including cancer. This water contamination affected military veterans, their families, paramilitary staff, and others over three decades. If you or your loved one was stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and suffered physical harm, you can pursue legal action against the negligent parties, including the US government. It is essential to hire an expert lawyer for representation to ensure justice and fair financial compensation for your damages. The following information takes a brief look at the benefits of using a disability lawyer from Riddle & Brantley in North Carolina for representation in a Camp Lejeune lawsuit.

Expert Legal Assistance

A skilled attorney who is well-versed in disability law is likely to have in-depth knowledge of the legal process, which can help you significantly in your lawsuit. A disability lawyer will be familiar with most local and federal laws surrounding disability claims and class-action lawsuits. They can leverage this knowledge to obtain a successful outcome in your disability lawsuit. Expert legal assistance is particularly helpful if you are unfamiliar with the legal system and its various complexities. They will keep track of all the necessary details and help to put your mind at ease. They will do everything in their power to make sure you get the justice you deserve.

Building a Strong Case

A disability lawyer can help you build a strong case by collecting and compiling physical evidence necessary to support your claim. It might include military and medical records, documentation, and other forms of evidence. Other forms can include official diagnosis reports and medical and surgical bills. Insurance information, travel documents, and more might lay a strong foundation for your lawsuit against the negligent party. Having all these documents can be a lot to keep up with but will benefit you in the end for keeping. They can help bring solid evidence for your case.

Representation in Court

The process of obtaining compensation for your disability claim might include attending the court for hearings or other relevant proceedings like depositions. This is where having legal representation is necessary. Having a lawyer ensures that your legal rights will remain protected and significantly increases your chances of having a successful outcome for your claim. The court will listen to a competent lawyer who knows what they are talking about. They will be able to review the evidence that you brought and see what they can do.

Government and Military Experience

Disability lawyers represent hundreds of clients who have been injured during their time in the military, including military service at Camp Lejeune. The relevant experience is highly beneficial to a potential client since military lawsuits have specific legal requirements and extensive procedures that must be followed closely to ensure that the case would not get dismissed in court. The stress of facing a challenging lawsuit can be minimized with the help of an experienced lawyer.

Fair Financial Compensation

Having an attorney for representation ensures that you will have an advocate for your legal rights who will negotiate with the relevant government entities to deliver fair financial compensation for your damages. Receiving maximum financial compensation is crucial, especially for individuals who suffered great physical and mental harm due to the consequences of contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.


A disability lawyer is one of the best ways to ensure a successful outcome in a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit. A lawyer will guide you through the complicated legal process of filing a lawsuit and compiling related evidence to ensure that you receive maximal compensation and justice in your disability lawsuit. They understand the ins and outs of the system and have it work in your favor. They will do everything in their power for you to receive your deserved compensation promptly.

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