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[Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay]
The first 3 seconds of any advertisement determines the value of an ad, because only the first three seconds of the ad are vital for capturing the attention of the viewer. It is necessary to create such an effective advertisement on Facebook, since Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms.
If you are interested to know how such an ad can be created on Facebook, this article is for you.
Why create an ad on Facebook?
Facebook is the social platform which has most number of active users and this number is rising every day. The annual growth rate in active user’s number is about 11% and has currently crossed the 2 billion mark.
The leading magazines claim Facebook to be the fastest way to make money. Facebook has also proved itself to be the top priority among the professional marketers, because it helps in increasing their exposure, traffic, leads and ultimately sales.
You have to be aware of the following, in case you want to achieve the desired results:-
You must be aware of your target audience
To create an effective ad on Facebook, you must know everything about your audience and then create ads that appeal directly to them. You must be aware of every details of your target audience, their gender, level of income etc. This way you will be getting better results with less expenditure.
The goals, challenges and interests of your audience should be clear to you. Facebook has a huge collection of data from number of years. You can target your audience by focusing on some of the interesting things, such as:-
- Age of Children.
- Renter Owner.
- Relationship Status.
- Job roles.
- Preferred Entertainment.
- Fitness interests.
- Anniversary, birthdays or such upcoming events.
- Hobbies etc.

(Image: © Axe / lyfemarketing)
You can begin by putting together some written profiles. You have to know how to align ads with their targets to make them real relevant. It helps to increase the Relevance Score.
Know about Relevance Score
Facebook is not interested in showing ads which do not interest the potential customers ultimately into bringing sales, because it makes Facebook lose revenue. Facebook is rewarding those businesses that show ads only to those people, who are likely to engage with that ad and result into business.
Facebook tracks the reaction of people who see your ad. Then they compare it with a competitor and data from some other industry. Facebook then gives your ad a Relevance Score from 1 to 10, 10 being on the top of relevancy.
Facebook then adds your score to your monetary bid. If anyone with a low relevance scores bids higher for the same space, Facebook will give you a discount.
If your Relevance Score is high, the cost of your ad will be low on Facebook. You need to capture the attention of your audience to have a high Relevance score. Your Return on Investment depends on your Relevance Score.
Steps to create a Facebook ad
You have to have a prefixed budget for your Facebook ads
You have to plan for ways to create an effective ad campaign on Facebook and you have to consider all expenses for it up front.
Having a clear budget before hand saves you from overspending in Facebook ad campaigns and you may not get any results from your ads. You must consider-
- The Costs per Click.
- The related research and planning.
- Creation of an ad.
- Management of your ad campaign.
- Ongoing analytics, testing and optimization.
- Landing pages of the ad on your website, because if your ad can direct people to your website, you will need a dedicated landing page for that ad, to make your buyer to continue his journey. You must have fast and mobile friendly landing pages to get results.
You must stick to your budget to create a Facebook ad that delivers on its promises.
You have to choose the right type of ad
Facebook offers you a number of varieties in ads. You must know what will work for you.
1 The Lead ads
Lead generation is important, in fact the most important objective of your ads. There must be Lead Generation Process to maximize your return on your marketing budget.
You should follow up with the people who have crossed the stage of “Getting to know you”, after you have their contact information. You are likely to convert them to your paying customers.
This is what the lead ads do for you. Facebook fills the form to the maximum, making the person to do the rest and submit.

(Image: © Axe / lyfemarketing)
You have to offer a reward uniquely valuable to your target audience, in exchange of their contact information. This may be-
- Free trial
- Chances to win.
- Use of useful application
- Exclusive content
- Additional information.
- Exclusive access
- Exclusive deals.
Exclusive word is vital here because it makes the people feel special to sign up with you. Lead ads become more effective when people have already seen your brand a couple of times. It is best to use them in conjunction with other ad types, which will help to increase the conversion rate.
The Offer ad
The offers are something your viewers cannot refuse. It reaches and converts the people who are ready to buy. Offers make them buy your product.
You have to be intelligently creative in creating Offer ads. Avoid 70% off type slogans as they project negative image about the health of your business. It also reduces your profit margin. You would better offer your customers-
- An interesting and useful free gift.
- Some amount of discount in price on their immediate purchase.
- A service up gradation for maybe 3 months to one year, on making an immediate purchase.
These will make your customers feel special. It is always best to put a short time offer for immediately converting your customers.
The Carousel ad
It is the category of ads that get the highest number of click through rate. This ad is a series of images or videos that can be used for:
- Telling a story.
- Showcasing a range of products.
- Showing different features of a complex product.
Creation of a Carousel Facebook ad depends on the target of your buyer’s journey. You may showcase a number of visually appealing products to introduce people to your brand, if your customer is in the awareness phase.
You can focus on a signature product, if your customer is already aware of your brand. You can show them a mixture of products their features also and add videos to your carousel ads.

(Image: © Axe / lyfemarketing)
Carousel ads give phenomenal results for the up sell.
The Video ads
About 45% of the viewers view video ads on Facebook, for over an hour a day. 92% share the videos liked by them. More than half marketers claim video ads get best sales results for them.
Videos get much more share than text only and text image combined posts on Facebook. The majority of digital marketers use video marketing because of its remarkable results.
A video is worth a thousand pictures. Video relays a message to your customers within seconds. They are great for brand awareness and is on the top of Content Marketing funnel, at the beginning of the buyer’s journey. A video gete the people interested.
A video can keep the person engaged who does not know about your brand and help him to go deeper into your products. Make precise videos with immediate narrating the story. It is a stealth conversion tool as people enjoy a video without feeling any pressure.
The Remarketing Ads
Remarketing gives you control over your customer. It results into faster and accurate conversions. It reduces the chances of your customers defecting to other brands. You can lead a person to your product or brand, with remarketing ads.

(Image: © Axe / lyfemarketing)
Remarketing can increase your Click through rates by 400%. It can double your revenue and is affordable. You can remarket in Facebook to:
- Your uploaded contact list.
- Your existing followers.
- The people who have watched your videos or clicked ads in the past.
- The people who have watched your profile
- The people who have visited your website and to many more.
Now consider the ad itself.
You have to create resonating graphics and messages
Connecting to right person, with right message at right time
You must be clear about the needs of your audience. Your ad on Facebook must reach to your audience.
You start by evoking emotions
- You can evoke excitement in your customers.
- You can evoke curiosity in your customers.
- You can give them peace of mind.
- You can evoke their strong desire for your product.
You can also evoke negative emotions in your customers
- Fear that make customer buy things.
- Fear of Missing Out.
- Sadness or Despair
- Being jealous.
You have to focus on the visual impact of your created ad
Facebook encourages impactful visual ads as it is also required by Facebook and as well as by your customers. Facebook treats more favorably visual ads than texts ads.

(Image: © Axe / lyfemarketing)
You need to entice your customers with a value proposition-
Otherwise no one is going to entertain you. Do what your customer wants. You have to use your messages and visuals to convey value to your customers. Yo can do this with great visuals.
You have to be clear with your “Call to action”-
A clear call to action increases the click through rates.

(Image: © Axe / writeraccess)
Clear call to action tells people what is to be exactly done with the ad. It will be shared by somebody, some will visit your website and some will buy something from you.
Give clear message to your potential customers. This will kae you capture attention and to get results.

(Image: © Axe / writeraccess)
This helps you to achieve your ultimate objective of having increased revenue and to grow your business.
You have to strictly follow the rules
You can use Facebook’s Text Overlay Tool to guarantee that your text to visual ratio is acceptable.

(Image: © Axe / writeraccess)
Facebook gives clear instruction of not to use less than 1200×628 pixel resolution. You can adjust the size of ad size by image editing programs. If you lack technology knowledge, your brand will appear to be unprofessional. Your granny ads will make your customers doubt your brand’s quality control.
Facebook’s Ads Guide offers you additional information of ad spectacles. Make sure of reviewing before creating ads. Or you can have the services of a Digital Marketing Professional.
You need to align everything
You align your
- Message with Visuals- both should be same.
- Ad with your target- ad should aim for achievement of your target.
- Ad with your brand-ad should have a certain branded look.
- Ad with your objective- should work toward achieving your goal.
- Objectives with bigger goals- to fit with bigger pictures.
You must be honest about stating your objectives
Facebook always wishes you to succeed since they also make money with your success. They provide you with a list of objectives to choose from-

(Image: © Axe / writeraccess)
You should decide a time span for your ad
Never allow your ad to run indefinitely on Facebook. It can slow down the returns significantly. Your Click and conversion rates and impression may go down. You may also receive negative feedback from your followers. It will impact your Relevance Score negatively. Your ad costs will go up.
Never allow your Audience to suffer from Ad fatigue
It happens with your audience seeing your ad for umpteen times. They could have clicked on it; they could have purchased your product. Now they are bored with your ad.
All ads have a limited shelf life. Do not run it for too long. It gives the worst negative results.
Never allow to occur Audience Ad Blindness
When your ad runs for too long, it fails to get noticed by your audience. The audience starts drifting and all their attention goes elsewhere. Never allow this thing to happen. Your audience will ignore everything about your ad.
You decide first how long a Facebook ad should run
It should run for an average 2 to 4 weeks time. More than that will lead to fatigue and blindness of your audience. You may minimize your ad for even 7 days also.
You have to be on top of your analytics. Be alert if your performance declines. Decide whether you have to continue with your ad or pull it off early.
The audience ad fatigue and blindness occurs on:
- Your working on a real tight budget. It may minimize your marketing efforts. You may be producing non desirable ads.
- Your audience may be very small. A very small group of people are seeing your ad.
- Your competitors may be copying your ads or your color schemes.
- You might have added too much variety to make your audience unstable.
This is how you can create an effective ad on Facebook to give you excellent results.
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