Cannabis, CBD, and THC: Some Explanations

by Carter Toni

The countries that have legalized the medical-scientific use of cannabis are: Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland and the United Kingdom. In the United States, 31 federal states have made the therapeutic use of the plant legal. Legalization in these countries encourages the cannabis industry to continue to grow, for example Delta Extrax with its quality products.

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Recently, medical cannabis has been removed from Table IV (the most restrictive, in which substances such as heroin and cocaine are found), precisely by virtue of its therapeutic uses. The UN therefore officially recognized its medicinal properties in a vote expressed in Vienna by the Member States, during the United Nations Drugs Commission (CND) which voted on the six recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), among the such as the declassification of medical cannabis from the infamous table. This historic decision will certainly open up new world legalization scenarios for the purposes of scientific research.

The use in agriculture involves in our country, and in other countries the consumption, production and trade of Cannabis sativa L., the scientific name of the hemp plant of the sativa variety, carefully selected so as not to cause narcotic effects, even if ingested or inhaled. . This type of hemp, called “cannabis light”, therefore contains very low quantities of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a high percentage of cannabidiol (CBD).

But wait! Before going further, what is the Cannabis?

Cannabis or hemp is a genus of angiosperm plants from the Cannabaceae family. Currently, according to some it includes a single species, Cannabis Sativa, the historically most widespread plant in the West, in turn comprising several varieties and subspecies, according to others, three species are distinguished: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis.

The three great varieties differ in plant size, concentrations of the active principle, and, consequently, effects induced by their respective derivatives. Cannabis plant material or cannabis preparations that contain, to an appreciable extent, psychoactive substances are considered psychotropic substances, incapable of treating addiction, and also used for recreational purposes.

While there are different cannabis strains, each with its own particular benefits and effects, not all cannabis strains are psychoactive: there are numerous strains on the market that offer the combined benefits of CBD, terpenes, and other THC-free cannabinoids. Cannabidiol, CBD for short, is a metabolite of Cannabis Sativa.

It has relaxing, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. It also promotes sleep and is soothing against anxiety and panic. It has also been shown to reduce intraocular pressure and is a promising atypical antipsychotic. It is particularly appreciated for its therapeutic use. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, is instead a psychotropic substance produced by cannabis flowers. Its popularity continues to increase from year to year and this is supported by the many interesting Delta 9 product variants such as Delta 9 gummies.

Known for being ingested, smoked, or inhaled, and known above all for its playful properties, it also offers pain-relieving and therapeutic properties. Hashish derives from the female inflorescences of cannabis/hemp, the effects of which are mainly due to the THC contained in it. Marijuana is obtained from dried inflorescences. To distinguish the two, also the quantities of THC contained. Check out Newphaseblends for more information regarding this.

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