The insulated gate bipolar transistor has become a standard semiconductor. This semiconductor is available in many forms and offers a number of advantages over its predecessor. It is primarily used in power electronics and can also be found in solar cells and other renewable energy sources.
The Super junction MOSFET is a semiconductor device that uses a diode and a lifetime killer to form a stacked structure. The combination of these features results in a device with a high recovery speed and a low reverse recovery loss. The Super Junction MOSFET’s composition is identical to the first and second buffer layers of conventional super junction MOSFETs. A parallel pn layer 4 is located on the n+-type semiconductor substrate and contains a stripe-lie or grid-like pattern. A similar arrangement occurs in both kinds of super junction MOSFET. Once the pn layer is properly fabricated, it is ready to be integrated into a super junction device.
Green IT initiatives are aimed at reducing the use of hazardous materials, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing carbon footprint. The technology benefits of IGBT and super junction MOSFETs include reduced scale size, low power consumption and reduced switching losses. Green IT initiatives are increasing the adoption of IGBT and Super Junction MOSFETs as energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly alternatives to traditional power semiconductors.
As per market survey by Coherent Market Insights, global IGBT and super junction MOSFET market is estimated to be valued at US$ 12,782.8 million in 2021 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.5% over the forecast period (2021-2028).
While the IGBT has low on-state voltage drop, it is a minority charge carrier device. The advantage of IGBT over Super Junction MOSFET is low on-state voltage drop. The IGBT is also smaller and cheaper than its counterpart. Its primary difference lies in its structure. Both have two terminals: the gate and the emitter. Both devices have similar structures. It is important to note, however, that the IGBT is a minority charge carrier device, which makes it an attractive choice for applications that require high power. The Super Junction MOSFET has long been the power semiconductor of choice in many high-voltage applications. It can block conduct relatively high currents, high voltages, and switch into hundreds of kilohertz. However, its performance limitations have created the need for an alternative power switch. Recently in December 2020, MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation launched eight new 700V and 800V series high voltage super junction MOSFET with high performance and efficiency and is optimized for LED lighting, TV, and applications of fast charger.