Services an Agency Can Provide for Your Charity

by Carter Toni

There is a lot to think about, organize, and keep on top of when you are running a charity.Not only are you generally working within a very tight budget, but you are also having to initiate interest from third parties and obtain donations.

Taking on all of the roles yourself could end in total burn out and you could find that having a small team of people around you is likely to be just as stressful, especially if they do not have the necessary knowledge or expertise to carry your charity forward. Undoubtedly, anyone that will help orvolunteer is usually very welcome, but sometimes, it is beneficial to seek the help of those with establishedexpertise in areas that might be entirely alien to you.

#1 Build a Captivating Website

As with any business, it is important to have a website for your charity.While it is not easy, there are ways in which you could set one up yourself, even with little or no knowledge or experience whatsoever. Looking at this from a charity’s point of view, you could feel that this is the way forward, as it will possibly cost the charity less in the short term.

However, it is unlikely to look as good as would if a qualified web designer had put it together for you. Nor, for that matter, is it likely to be anywhere near as captivating for your visitors and it could, therefore, in the longer term, cost your charity in missed donations or technical issues, like slow loading, canincrease your website’s bounce rate.

#2 Drive Valuable Traffic to Your Website

Certain agencies will not only be able to provide your charity with atop-notchwebsite, but they could very well be able to drive valuable traffic toward it as well. This means that the website could be increasing the funds that you are currently getting by working harder on your behalf. There are different ways in which they can drive traffic to your website, and this can come from a couple of key sources.

Pay Per Click– pay per click is a good form of advertising if the audiences that are seeing your advert are genuinely interested. With pay-per-click adverts, you will only be paying for those advertisements that are clicked, which can work out a lot cheaper than the pay-per-impression,if they are well targeted.

These adverts are generally on show down the sides of other people’s websites or amongst search engine results. You should also keep in mind that nonprofits can advertise on Google for free by using grants, which could help your budget no-end.

Search Engine– an agency offering SEO services will be able to heighten your place on search engines, such as Google, ensuring that those interested in your charity will be able to find your website faster.

To Wrap It Up

It can be easy to waste a lot of time and money setting up a website or toying with driving traffic to it if you do not know what you are doing. It is very easy to spend a lot of money on pay-per-click advertising and not see any return for your money. In comparison, hiring the services of an agency that has a rich understanding of all the tactics involved, as well as being able to create a professional and fully functional website,can be a no-brainer.In addition to all of the services on offer, it will leave you time to concentrate on the areas of your charity at which you are more adept.

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