The Reality of Brain Tumor Surgery: What To Expect

by Carter Toni

The reality of brain tumor surgery is that it can be a scary diagnosis. There are many different types of tumors and they can be treated in a number of ways, such as surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. While these treatments may cause side effects including weakness, fatigue, or hair loss, it’s important to remember that this is all worth it when you take into account the long-term benefits.

The Reality of Brain Tumor Surgery

They diagnose brain tumors when the patient complains of neurological symptoms. Most of these tumors are malignant and benign. We can divide the pathology of brain tumors into four categories: gliomas, meningiomas, pituitary tumors, and nerve sheath tumors.

Brain tumor surgery has varying degrees of invasiveness depending on the type of tumor. If the person is having a seizure or extreme headaches, they may be advised to have surgery sooner rather than later.

Surgeons are able to remove tumors in the brain with different surgical techniques, including traditional open surgery, endoscopic microsurgery, and stereotactic radiosurgery. Based on your specific case, you may be recommended for one of these methods. Traditional open brain surgery is where the surgeon will make an incision and expose the tumor before removing it. Endoscopic microsurgery is where surgeons will make smaller incisions and use an endoscope to remove the tumor by suctioning or cutting away fragments of tissue.

Types of brain tumor

Types of brain tumor

There are many different types of brain tumors, which can cause different symptoms. For instance, benign brain tumors do not typically produce severe symptoms and are unlikely to recur, while malignant tumors – also known as metastatic or primary brain cancer – can potentially spread to the rest of the body.

There is no single way for doctors to classify all types of brain tumors because they vary in size, location, and the course that they take. Below you’ll find a list of different types of brain tumors that can be found in adults:

1. Astrocytoma

This is one of the most common types of brain tumor. Astrocytomas are slow-growing tumors that are generally noncancerous. They usually start in the cerebral hemispheres, which are the two broad parts of the cerebrum. They can also form within the spinal cord or optic nerves.

2. Brainstem Glioma

This is a type of glioma that forms in the lowest part of the brain, called the brain stem. Brain stem gliomas account for about 20% of all noncancerous brain tumors. They are more common in children than adults.

3. Glioblastoma

As a type of astrocytoma, this is one of the most common types of primary malignant brain tumor. Glioblastomas are found in the cerebral hemispheres and cause cognitive impairment as well as other symptoms. They tend to grow fast and can infiltrate normal brain tissue.

4. Oligodendroglioma

This type of cancer is a slow-growing tumor, often found among the middle-aged population. The tumors start in white matter, the fatty insulation that covers nerve cells. They are most likely to form within the cerebral hemispheres where they can cause seizures.

5. Pineal Region Tumor

This occurs in the pineal gland, which is responsible for producing melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep-wake cycles. The tumors are usually slow-growing and benign. They can grow fast if they are malignant or invasive.

How to Deal with the Side-Effects

It is very important to be able to mitigate or avoid the side effects that may come with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. There are many different treatments available. These treatments will vary depending on the type of cancer you have, but one great treatment is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is extensive for both acute and chronic conditions. This treatment can help improve symptoms related to brain tumors that are caused by surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. It can also help with symptoms that other diseases may cause such as stroke, carbon monoxide poisoning, or chronic disorders like diabetes.

A brain tumor is a scary thing. But there are many ways to avoid it! There are many different kinds of tumors in your brain. You can avoid these tumors by not getting them. If you get one, you can get it treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. These treatments might make you feel tired, but they will fix the brain tumor so that it doesn’t come back again.

The Importance of Treatment

It’s important to remember that surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy can have side effects such as weakness, fatigue, or hair loss. The long-term benefits of these treatments outweigh the short-term consequences in many cases.

The tumors in the brain range from being benign tumors to being malignant tumors. They can be a mixture of a few different types or just one type. Malignant tumors are much more common than benign tumors and they may spread into nearby tissue. Benign tumors do not spread and they stay in the same place in the brain.

How do I know if I have a brain tumor?

It’s not always easy to tell if a person has a brain tumor. Brain tumors themselves don’t have any symptoms, so the only way to know if you have one is for a doctor to identify it through a head CT or MRI scan. It is possible for a person to experience symptoms such as confusion, dizziness, and trouble walking or thinking. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to get them checked by your doctor.

Brain tumors tend to be life-threatening because of the amount of pressure they can cause. If left untreated, a tumor in the brain can lead to death. The prognosis for a person with a brain tumor is different depending on a number of factors such as age, overall health, and the exact type of tumor.


Brain tumors are frightening to hear about, but they can treat. Surgery is one option that can remove the tumor and they may also use other treatments like radiation therapy or chemotherapy in conjunction with surgery for maximum effectiveness. There are side effects of these treatments such as weakness, fatigue, or hair loss which make them difficult to deal with at first, but it’s important to remember how beneficial they are when you consider the long term. If you have any questions about your specific situation feel free to reach out! We’re here to help by providing a second opinion on your diagnosis and treatment plan so that you know what kind of experience to expect before going through this traumatic time.

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