Top 5 SEO tricks for your internal linking campaign

by Carter Toni

The major purpose of every SEO campaign is to increase your website ranking in the organic search result. It brings more traffic to your site. Most importantly, SEO relies on how you control every factor to achieve ultimate success. Your SEO tactics should enable Google crawlers to learn about every webpage in your domain. Unfortunately, you cannot get results simply by building a website. You must grab the search engine’s attention. The best way to do it is to start an internal linking campaign.

SEO is a formula, which needs patience, and the best SEO company has this patience. One of the important SEO elements is internal links. Very often, internal links are underused. However, they play a vital role in boosting your website ranking.

Managing a hosting website can be tough as there are a lot of operations to take care of. Therefore, it is recommended to integrate it with WHMCS and manage your entire website’s SEO using the best WHMCS SEO Theme.

Check out the best SEO tips to grab a higher value from internal links.

Tips to make your internal linking campaign successful

Know the proper use of anchor text

SEO-friendly anchor text refers to the visible words and characters hyperlinking another document on the web. You can find anchor text of different types. For instance, a partial match is an anchor text with keyword variations. You may also use generic phrases and words as the anchor. While linking an image, Google uses the text present in your image’s alt attribute.

The best anchor text is

  • Succinct and not generic- You have to use the most compelling phrases
  • Relevant to the webpage to which you have linked- You must choose the pages, which are valuable to readers
  • Not much keyword-heavy- Take your time to do some keyword research and find the highly competitive keywords.

Every link must be unique and ensure that you have naturally used the anchor text to maintain the flow in the conversation. There is no need to be concerned about link ratios. You must not over-optimize them, as it can result in a penalty from Google.

Focus on the number of internal links

You may think that the best way of spreading your link potential is to add several links without any limit. However, in some cases, it can reduce the potential value of the pages.

Based on the freshness, uniqueness, and popularity of your webpages, Google crawlers crawl your site. When you deal with low-value links, your important pages will remain unindexed.

Some SEO specialists claimed that there should not be more than 75 to 80 links. These links also include links in the footer, header, page menu, and sidebar. However, you need to use only a reasonable number of internal links. You may also insert no-follow links as a part of the internal link building campaign.

Keep on creating content

As you continue creating quality content, you can find more opportunities of adding links. Content gives you the space to insert links and provides the potentials to link something in the future. With more links, your link building strategy will become stronger and more effective. However, you cannot insert all the links into a few blogs. You have to allocate links to different blogs and web content.  Select the pages that serve users’ needs.

With more content, you can present more webpages to Google to rank. However, the search engine also tries to check the depth of your content. It will analyze links taken from one page to add to the other one.

Ensure proper structuring of your website

The best trick for you is to compare your website to a pyramid. The top of the pyramid should display the homepage, and below it, there should be some categories. In the lower parts of the pyramid, you have to add individual pages and posts with subcategories.

One of the major elements on your site for internal link building campaign is the navigation menu. The menu reflects the structure, and it should be easy to browse. On the top section of every page, you must place the menu. Then, you can start creating the hierarchy of your site. Your visitors use it as a hub and navigate to different pages. Make sure that your visitors do not need more than 4 to 5 clicks to reach another page on your site.

Find popular and new pages for your linking purpose

In your webpage’s hierarchy, you have to group the content. You need to link pages with the most relevant information. Try to look for popular and new content in your site. Visitors will be able to find the connection between pages. You may also search for the most frequently visited pages for your internal linking purposes.

To sum up, internal link building must be a part of an effective and result-oriented SEO campaign. You can find an optimal performance of your site by adding the internal links properly. You will also notice a difference in the site ranking.

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