Best Alternative Search Engines of Google, in 2020


Are you currently working with Google Search Engine? Are you interested in finding some alternative search engines, which are equally efficient? More than 9% of the web users are using alternative search engines for making their searches of desired object, on the internet.

There are approximately 40 very good advanced and alternative search engines available on the internet for you. You can find about anything you want on the internet with them. These search engines can help you to monitor your online activities, track the discussions you are interested in and to do many more online works.

General Search Engines

Search Engines for your general search of online information.


If you are concerned about your online privacy, DuckDuckGo is the search engine for you. It does not track or personalize your searches and search results. It also offers visual guides on Google tracking. You can filter bubbling with it.



Ecosia is the search engine that takes care of ecology, while you make your searches online on Ecosia. It helps in tree plantation with its surplus income.

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Search Encrypt

It is similar to DuckDuckGo. This is also a privacy based search engine, which keeps your searches and results private.



If you are keen to have spam free search results, you have to be on Blekko. It provides a differentiated and editorial voice in search. It is a quality concerned search engine. It is a source based authority, instead of being linked base and helps in removing monetization oriented web sites.


Dogpile provides information from all the three top search engines, without your going to them. It pulls the results from all the three top search engines.



It is an open source search engine that has a retro look and may not always give correct results.

Gigablast - An Alternative Web Search Engine


This search engine is based on computation and metrics. WolframAlpha provides you with data, historical information chronologically, stock data, all conversions, statistics for sport events and many such more.

Wolfram Alpha Computational Intelligence

Social Network Specific Advanced Search

Facebook Search

Facebook is the most popular social media platform. If you are interested to see a particular search across different areas of Facebook, this search engine will be of your immense use. You type your query, click on the link “See more results” given at the bottom of suggestions. Use the filters on the left. You can see the results within place, people, groups, pages and may more.

Linkedin People Search

You can use the “Advance People Search”, if you are interested to find some new connections on Linkedin. It helps you to narrow down your search results by the connections, relationship and language. The premium members can access to additional search filters, including size of companies, groups, experience years and many more such parameters.


Linkedin Job Search

It is a search engine that helps job seekers exclusively. It is an Advance Job Search engine that functions using all information, industry and experience levels. The premium members can access to salary offered also.

Linkedin Answer Search

This search engine helps the users to build authority in the related industry. Answer Advance Search finds out the perfect answer.

Twitter Search

The advance Search of Twitter helps to find better results on Twitter. It is a great search engine for businesses that looks for local audiences.


Social Search Engines

These search engines help you to find one or more social networks in one place and gain additional data.

Social Mention

Social Mention is the search engine that helps to search across many types networks. It includes blogs, micro blogs, bookmarks, events, comments, news, images, and many such more.


This search engine allows you to search for keywords, hash tags, URLs and @mention etc. You can see how your blog post was shared across all social networks with it. You have just put the URL in the Keyhole to get the results.



If you want to know about popularity of an article of a particular topic that was shared most on the web Buzzsumo is the search engine for you, It also has a paid version for greater functions.

Forum Search Engine

This helps you to participate in an industry.


This search engine allows you to search forums and get results. You can also narrow your results by dates and languages.

Blog Search Engine

This helps you to search for industry related blogs and posts.

Blog Search Engine

Blog Search Engine is for your searching blogs and posts. You can search for them by using keywords.

Documents, Presentations and eBooks Search Engine

You can successfully search for eBooks, documents or presentations, with the help of this search engine.

Google advance Search

Specific documents can be searched with the help of this search engine. These include PDFs, Word Documents or PowerPoint presentations.


This search engine is the largest community for sharing presentations. You can view the slides of any meetings or conferences, you have missed.



Scribd is the largest social reading and publishing network. It helps you to find out the original written contents across the web. You can also sort results by languages, categories, length, file types, costs and upload dates.

Scribd - Read books audiobooks and more

Image Search Engines-

These are locating images of your choice.


Flickr provides an advanced search screen. This allows finding photos, illustrations, screenshots and videos on the network.

Find your inspiration Flickr


Bing offers image search. It starts with top trending images. Then it leads to images that can be filtered by sizes, layouts and other different parameters.



It is the ultimate platform for images. This allows you to search for anything that is visual. Be aware of not stealing copyright work in Pinterest.



This search engine can tell you from where an image has arrived around the web.



Google allows you to be more specific about the images, you are searching for. These include faces, photos, line drawings or clip arts.


Creative Common Media Search engines

These searche engines allow you to find media created by others on your website.

Creative Commons

If you are searching for images exclusively for you to repurpose, to modify or to use for commercial purpose, it is the search engine for you.

Creative Commons


This search engine has more than 12 million files in their database. These are all freely usable images, videos and sound bites for you to use.

Video Search Engines

You can look for videos to embed them in your website, with these search engines.


Yahoo Video Search helps you to search through your video content from their own networks, from all online video providers, for videos on any topic.


Google Video

It is the search engine that allows you to serach for videos on any topic, from any online platform.

AOL Video Search

It aggregates the best video clips of the day from all around the web.

AOL - News Weather Entertainment Finance Lifestyle


This search engine goes beyond YouTube to find videos on any topic from many websites.


Search Engines for Website Data and Statistics

This allows you to find information about your favorite brands and websites.


This search engine offers you insight into your brands and companies, you are looking for. It provides entire set of information.


SimilarWeb helps you to search for websites or app profiles based specific domains or apps. It identifies domains with high volume of traffic and all other relevant details.



This search engine allows you to find about the technologies the websites use and to find out domains with their technology used.

Advance Google Search Engines

These provides you more than simple Google search engine.

Google Advance Serach

This serach engine allows you to find anything special you are looking for.

Google Books

Google Advance Book Search helps you to find queries in books. It also tells you about entire books that have been published online.

Google Search Features

It helps you to find quotes, time in some other city, scores in sports, or any such specific information.

Which Search Engine are you currently working on? Are you having any additional information about search engines? Post your comments.

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