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The key to successfully smashing any resolution is to start today. It doesn’t matter if your fitness goals in January didn’t pan out or if they’re still not panning out. The only thing you need to finally make a lasting change is the commitment to start. Now, if you’ve found that working out on your own, or trying to go to the gym, has absolutely failed you, know that forcing yourself again and again isn’t going to make much difference.
That doesn’t mean you cannot smash your fitness resolution. It just means you need to find a way to do it that lets you have fun in the process. For many, that means joining a sports team or club. Cricket can be an excellent sport to choose that helps build up strength, flexibility, and agility. It may not be the sport that first comes to mind when you think of playing a sport for your health, but it’s a great game that can help you get fit and make friends.
The best way to get fit and stay fit is to have fun during the process. If you love cricket, join the sport today and use these steps to get started.
Building Your Kit
First things first, safety. Hardball cricket can be dangerous, which is why you’ll need a helmet, gloves, cricket shoes, and batting pads. You won’t want to skimp out on these – especially the helmet. You’ll also want a bat that you can practice with both at the club and at home.
Finding a Club
There are clubs out there to suit your age and experience level. The trick is finding one that’s close by. You can start by exploring local directories, or even search engines, to see what’s close by. Don’t be afraid to look through social media, either. Facebook pages and groups are an effective way for the community to come together.
Narrowing Down Your Club
Finding a club that accepts newbies and is also close to you may seem like a dream come true, but it’s a good idea to go and inspect their grounds first. Ideally, a cricket club will have replaced or at least maintained and repaired itsground equipment each season. You don’t want to see holes in the nets or broken bowling machines. The best way to check if the club in question offers the amenities you need to play and practice, go for a visit safely. Check to see if their cricket nets are new, if their mobile cages are safe, or if the ground covers are waterproof and secure. A well-equipped facility will be significantly more fun to play in than one that’s seen many better days.
Getting Into the Rhythm
The best way to get better is to practice and play. Not only will you develop your skills this way and make the game as a whole more enjoyable, but it’s also how you’ll improve your fitness levels and maintain them. It can be a bit tricky to start a new routine, but since you’ll be challenging yourself, making friends, and having fun, you should find it infinitely more doable than before.