Would Men Watch Soccer Or Rather Play Online Bingo At Bongos?


Two things that many men love are sports and gambling. The number one sport across the globe continues to be soccer and football is still adored by much of the male population. Even women are getting in on the act and they now have their own leagues and international tournaments. The latest Women’s World Cup brought in millions of TV viewers for the BBC – check out some bingo promotions no deposit here.

However, despite this fact, the men’s Premier League is still the dominant force both in the quality of football and the huge audiences it draws.  The latest viewing figures would suggest that the Premier League still attracts millions of viewers and the majority of these are indeed male. This fact is only challenged during international tournaments such as the World Cup when many more women tune in to watch the England team play live.

Is Bingo At Bongos More Appealing Than Soccer To Men

Bingo is still a popular form of gambling, although it did take time for the game to establish itself online. It wasn’t until 2003 when bingo really took off on the internet. Traditionally, bingo appeals to a mainly female audience because men tend to find slots, table games and sports betting far more appealing. This has not always been the case because early forms of bingo were for men only, but this probably had more to do with attitudes in society at that particular moment in time.

Modern bingo stereotypes have been challenged recently and changes in bingo, now mean that bingo is steadily developing a new image amongst the gambling regulars. It is no longer seen as a game that is played by pensioners on a dreary Monday afternoon. The new image is that of a vibrant young crowd enjoying bingo that is served up with music, drinking, food and dancing.  Females just shade the numbers that attend bongo bingo venues, but the numbers of males visiting these venues for a night out are steadily rising. However, the majority of men would much rather still watch their team on the box or live at stadiums than attend a bongo bingo event.

Is Bongo Bingo The Way Forward?

Bongo Bingo has definitely given bingo venues a much-needed shot in the arm. It has helped make bingo hip and trendy and this is because bongo bingo nights bring a bar and club vibe to proceedings. It appeals to clubbers and ravers and those who like live entertainment such as stand up comedians. The fact that there are decent prizes to be won also attracts the crowds. Online bingo continues to thrive in its current form and if land-based bingo establishments want to recover as well, then they could do worse than having a bongo bingo facelift.

Final Thoughts

Whilst bongo bingo is making bingo a more attractive proposition than it used to be for both sexes, it still has its work cut out to take men away from watching a sport that continues to grow in popularity year in year out.

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