A Calculated Approach: Influencer Marketing Platforms Use Data to Reach Target Customers

by Carter Toni

Influencer marketing gets the right direction without the use of proper tools. Here is an open invitation to find the best influencer marketing platform to grab the changing needs of the modern-day market. An influencer marketing platform is a software solution which was designed to provide influencer discovery tools to the business brands and corporate companies. A small portion of the IM platforms uses smart algorithms to offer massive searchable databases of potential influencers, while the other portion prefers to provide an opt-in method to the influencers. It was believed that an online offering grows organically and lead to blurred margins, but the definition of marketing has changed with the introduction of IM platforms. Modern-day influencer marketing platforms include campaign management, influencer marketplaces, relationship management, third party analytics, and influencer content amplification. This article is useful for you if you are looking forward to identifying an influencer marketing platform which is ideal for your business. Let’s discuss the usefulness and functionality of four best influencer marketing platform 2019 below.

Hypr discovers influencers based on social media postings.

Hypr is designed to give real-time social analytics that helps the brands in accessing the audience demographics. It discovers influencers on the basis of postings on top social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. It does not depend on opinion to determine an influencer. Owing to its data-driven approach, marketing experts consider this b2b influencer marketing platform as a talent agnostic search engine.

influencer marketing platform 2020

Upfluence is a self-serve platform with a massive database.

Upfluence, one of the largest influencer marketing platform, is an example of a self-serve platform; technology giants PayPal, Microsoft, etc. are now using its services. This highly effective IM platform has introduced two products – Publishr and Façade. Publishr is a robust influencer management system that also served as a content marketplace, while Façade is considered as a social media search engine that used the power of big data to drive extremely precise influencer searches. The massive database of self-serve influencer marketing platform with 500 million items of content spread across the leading social media platforms.

largest influencer marketing platform

Popular Chips provides demographic distribution of the followers.

Popular Chips is another IM platform that is gaining worldwide popularity. Known as influencer marketing platform for Instagram, it provides the business groups with the demographic distribution of the followers of any influencer out there. Popular Chips presents reports to improve your marketing KPIs and enables the business brands to learn from competitor strategies.

influencer marketing platform for Instagram

AspireIQ is a streamlined way to work with the influencers.

The AspireIQ platform, which is popularly known as Creator Collaboration Toolkit, is developed to keep a concrete focus on the actual creation of content. It is another vibrant example of a self-service platform that offers access to more than 1.5 million influencers across major social media platforms. As the top influencer marketing platform streamlines the process of working with influencers, the beneficiaries can track the real-time progress of each campaign and ensuing engagement with audiences.

top influencer marketing platform

What is the working principle of Influencer Marketing Platform?

The business brand needs to identify a Facebook influencer marketing platform and signing up for an account. Then the brand is supposed to search the database of that platform in order to find influencers with the right group of audience. Picking up a group of influencers and submission of a proposal are the next things in this regard. The influencer then sees the proposal and decides whether they want to work with the brand or not. The influencers who accept the proposal create promotional content for the brand with the help of supplied statistics.

Influencer marketing platforms are designed to intensify your campaigns.

Influencer marketing platforms are online tools that offer additional services to business brands, such as campaign management, relationship management, third party analytics, influencer marketplaces, and influencer content amplification. The scenario was different before the introduction of IM platforms, especially influencer marketing platform Philippines. The brands used to take a significant amount of time to discover potential influencers and run their campaigns appropriately. These platforms have reduced time-suck of the administrative tasks that are likely to distract the aspiring agencies from reaching their desired goals. In a single, the IM platforms are changing the way of the market a product or service.

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