Boost Your Company’s Content Marketing Efficiency: Here is how!

by Carter Toni

Most of us have an idea and also listened to the people who are shouting out loud that ‘Content is king’. And, why not, we would also agree to it and it is even more important to praise the value of compelling content marketing practices. Content is one such factor which is absolutely essential in the business, and we don’t know why only few of them understands its importance. Honestly, content isn’t only just words that a writer frame to improve our search rankings. Content is something more than that, even more than videos, infographics, or podcasts. We can conclude content as a thing which can communicate a particular information to a group of audience.

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There is a strong reason why companies are now interested in investing in content marketing. There is an absolute requirement for the businesses to disperse their messaging across their customers. However, what they are doing wrong here is expecting to boost the output drastically without understanding that by no means this is equal to creating content more and more. A great strategy for content marketing is about offering an intense level of value to consumers and by improvising sales for the businesses.

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So, now every business needs to boost their sales, and for this it needs efficiency. With this in mind, it has now become important to increase need without compromising on the quality. Most of your channels such as native advertising, traditional marketing, email marketing, social media marketing and forum marketing are dependent on content. So, whenever, we say content marketing, it means discussing the strategies which revolve around relevant, unique, and valuable content. And, what you need to keep in mind here is that content of your brand will have an equal effect on your business’s ROI (Return on Investment). So, as a business, if you’re looking to increase search traffic, business ROI and build a profitable online business, you should seriously reconsider making your content marketing strategy. Don’t worry that you will fail. It is important to learn from the successes and failures which can help you generate search traffic and leads.

Let’s understand what is content marketing and its importance 

Content Marketing has an efficiency to help businesses, be it small or big, to drive traffic to your website and let your website rank better on the search result page of Google. For most of the businesses, content marketing is kind of a practical approach for building a genuine relationship with target audience. This type of marketing works effectively for both B2B, as well as B2C businesses. Here is what you need to know, if you are able to make a great content which is both engaging and able to provide relevant information to the reader, there is a surety that you get massive traffic when the content gets around. So, here what we can say is content is something that stays static, and what takes it to different platforms on the internet is content marketing.

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A business can definitely generate leads effectively by providing engaging and exciting content to the audience and marketing it so it can give them the flexibility to generate good leads. In this way a business can generate leads and will also be able to generate revenue. One of the more reasons to go for content marketing and not traditional marketing because content marketing is almost 62% cheaper than the others. Yes, content marketing is less expensive and as compared to the other methods it can generate thrice the leads and six times higher conversion rates.

There is a strong reason why we are watching an advancement in the digital content marketing technology. This area of marketing has a power to provide the necessary traffic to the businesses. Without any doubt, we can say that content marketing is among the significant parts to be concentrated when considering an online marketing strategy.

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After all this, what we can conclude is that content marketing is an influencer for increasing a business’ revenue in numerous ways. And, most of the times it is overlooked. Hiring the best copywriting specialists and content marketers will surely give business a boost. Execute the content marketing strategy correctly and it can induce great results for your business.

Boost the efficiency with content marketing 

There is no surprise in the fact that a growing number of leaders in the marketing field are experimenting with the techniques and tools to boost agility to improve the efficiency. So, below mentioned are some of the practices, which can be adopted to boost the overall content marketing strategy of a business. Have a look!

1. Separate audience to increase engagement through content marketing 

A copywriter is only able to create a great content if he knows his audience well. There is a huge requirement to understand the audience before creating successful, engaging and great content. The technique which one could imply is to get idea about what their customers are searching is keyword research. Initially, start your work after getting an idea of what the existing demand is for. And, this you can easily get from Google Trends. Here on Google Trends, you just have to type your main keyword and you will be able to get to know how many searches it has received within a specified period of time. Always remember one thing before creating a content, more you are able to know about your readers, more precisely you can able to create a content in much more effective way.

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The primary and biggest goal of content marketing is perhaps to put the right words in the front of most interested people. The digital phenomenon which we are currently facing is a gold mine for content marketers. We all know there is no less number of social listening tools. On the major social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, one can create custom streams and segment this information by criteria, media type, brand name, or campaign.

And, once you know your audience, segment them. The segmentation can be done on the basis of the product that they need. Segmentation is also crucial for another reason because not all the blog readers’ buyers, but others are. Businesses should always keep in mind a thing that every content can’t suit everyone. Customers have different phases of the buying cycle.  So, for an example take a content that is created to create awareness for new customers. But, the same piece of content is totally wasted on loyal repeat customers. By segmenting customers, you need to make the most of your marketing efforts and this will also enable you to develop the content which speaks to each segment more effectively.

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More to this, it is also advisable to make email list segmentation. This is because email marketers who can segment their email lists see better open rates. Keep a note of it.

2. Developing presence on Social Media

Content marketing can be a total fail if you are not able to create brand presence in front of your audience. And, for developing the effectiveness of brand it is important to have the reliable and effective presence on social media. For the same, you need to create a content so that the social users can stumble upon it.

So, stop waiting and begin building your online presence. This you can start by creating a social profile professionally on each and every social network that you’ve been using to showcase your business on.

However, you need to ensure is that your business profile is perfectly aligned with company’s goals and purpose. By this way, you are able to ensure that the shared content is qualitative and valuable to the customers.

So, for better understanding here is an example for you. Have a look…

Neil Patel, as we all know this is well-known name in the digital marketing industry. He is a most famous entrepreneur and influencer, who has gained social media marketing. The reason why he has been able to do it is because his contents, which are user-friendly, easy to understand and mostly, these are very practical and useful in adherence to the ongoing trend.

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So, if you want your business to grow in the same way, what you need to focus on is the quality of content you are offering to your customers. You have to ensure that you are doing your best to grow your followers with a higher organic reach. This can be reached by posting frequently using free tools of social media management. So, once you have created a business profile for yourself, make sure to invite well-known social media influencers to create a sound about your content.

3. Setting mission and goals 

A content marketing strategy is incomplete without setting a proper content marketing mission statement for your business. Mission statement is a brief statement which makes it easier for the people to focus on what’s important and what’s not. It is like creating your content in such a way that your content marketing strategy stays on track.

Outlines of a content marketing mission statement are as follows:

  • The target audience
  • The content used to reach them
  • The benefit that audience get

The mission goals must be defined to the audience and it must highlight the benefit to them. A mission statement must give examples of what its content covers and this may include the digital transformation, skills development, certification, and hiring practices.

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Here is a small formula for you to create a mission for your own business:

This is a kind of mission statement which you need because it covers what your audience will get from your content marketing strategy and you also need to think about what your business will get from it. That is where the business goals come in.

Typical goals consist of:

  • Improving the source of revenue as a result of content marketing strategy.
  • Success of SEO strategy.
  • Making content more effective with reduced marketing costs.
  • Working on the perception of your business, so that you become influencer and seen as a thought leader.
  • Gaining more sales and high-quality leads to help meet your overall revenue goals.
  • Social media engagement to boost both traffic and authority.
  • Getting more traffic to your site because it will drive the possibilities for meeting other goals of business.

4. A documented content strategy to rely on

To make your business truly shine with the content marketing strategy, you have to guide your content team with an efficient workflow which can be done by a documented content strategy. Honestly, without having a documented piece of strategy in one place, even the most magnificent squad of great-performing experts of content marketing won’t be able to execute on larger business goals accurately. So, even this may happen that your team may be more likely to end up in that order-taker transactional role where they keep on posting the content aimlessly.

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Without proper guidance and instructions, the talented team members may also find themselves in the middle of nowhere without proper directions. They may struggle to put their efforts for accomplishing their content marketing priorities. In this way, you might find that your content strategy is also failing to gain the results properly.

For this reason, it is highly important for any organization to provide their efficient content teams a well-maintain documented content strategy. This can be designed and shared to be present as a one-point reference for different stakeholders. With a content marketing strategy documented, you can build a proper structure for content marketing within the company.  This documented paper is best as it will also highlight the ways that your content team will be adopting to make workflow more efficient.

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We have already cleared how to make your business successful that is by marketing your content effectively. The original content strategy works in a streamlines chain known as the framework plan of content that is as follows-

  • Create
  • Optimize
  • Publish
  • Promote
  • Measure
  • Links
  • SEO
  • Social Media

So, in the end, what we could say is that having a content strategy documented in one place would also help you in potentially recruiting the new talent, because your content marketing team will be well-maintained and will be having a broad vision for fulfilling its goals.

5. Map the created content to customers’ journey

Keep in mind that a customer’s journey has three stages which every business should know about:

  • Awareness of brand
  • Comparison of products
  • Decision making

The above mentioned three stages have their unique needs. For example, if a consumer is in the awareness stage, he will tend to look out for solutions for problems. And for the customers who have already bought your product would generally look out for data to decide on which vendor to choose. So, you are able to easily organize assets for sales, if you map your content to each stage of your consumer’s journey.

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With this map you are also able to easily identify and fill in those gaps quickly, which would help you to reach your content marketing goals. However, this mapping process is very important regardless of the outcomes you get. And, is the process which is necessary for both sales and marketing.

To make everything successful that is written above, you need a bullet-proof content marketing plan. Below mentioned are some of the steps which you need to take in building workflow for content marketing.

So, in order to build your workflow, it’s advisable to begin with whatever you already have. The first step in this is to map out what it is the thing that you are currently doing. For the same, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Does your company have content supporters? If yes, what are they?
  • How often your team brainstorms on new content topics?
  • Which team members take part in brainstorming?
  • Is there a need for brainstorming and SEO research?
  • How often you publish your content?
  • Who creates content?
  • Who is looped in during the creation phase?
  • Who reviews content?
  • Who gives the final go ahead?
  • What are your main platforms to host your content?
  • Who is responsible for publishing the content?
  • Who is the one building the promotion plan?
  • How much time is needed between to make a decision on content and going live?
  • When does the results for reporting start and end?

Once you are done with answering all of the above mentioned questions, the next step is to organize all these aspects.

Final thoughts 

Each and every organization wants to boost their content marketing strategy because the final outcome that they want is the sales and revenue. Here in this blog, we have written various ways by which you can do it. What is important here is to stick to your content marketing strategy and workflow to get the progress. So, all the best with your progress.

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